Antlerless deer tag results are in


(This yearling and 2-year old buck stopped by for a visit this past weekend..wondering why there’s no food out yet) 

Well, according to Blog reader Ian, the doe tag draw results are out, and his camp received but one tag out of six. Ian’s camp had enjoyed 100% tag draw success over the last ten years. 

His neighbouring camp also received one out of six this year, so at least its consistent. 

It seems the tag cutback plan has come to fruition, has anyone else received their antlerless tag yet?? 


30 thoughts on “Antlerless deer tag results are in”

  1. Out of 5 of us that applied, only 2 were successful. We were at 100% for the last 5 years up until 2009.

  2. Haven’t heard yet. Didn’t get one last year, but that’s OK. It’s nice to have in case you get to the end of the season and haven’t got anything yet, but my focus is on a buck.

  3. Well as a non-resident of Ontario, there were none again this year to spare, so I couldn’t even consider trying in obtaining one. Takes a lot of patience up in a treestand and wait for the buck to show-up, when all the does walk about.

    Since I won a QC anterless permit this year for the rifle season, after over 15 years of trying, I might just forgo buying alltogether a non-resident deer permit this year, even if I prepared my site since this summer.

  4. No chessy. Not the same.

    You’re referring to BigFoot.


    Hunted moose in Ontario for 3 years with the wifes relative, when I lived in Ottawa at the time. We hunted around Madawaska area.

  5. 0 for 3. Unfortunately, lots of does where I hunt, they’ve been there all summer. I just want ONE!!!, not this year.

  6. Does anyone else think it’s ironic that it took far less time for them to study and implement cut backs on deer tags, yet the MNR has been dragging their behinds for years now, on updating the moose lottery system !?!?!

    Myself – I received a doe tag again so wuhoo!

  7. NO KEEBLER when you cut doe tags back you still hunt deer if they dont study moose draw and cut back fewer people go ….. with that said its ALL ABOUT MAKING MONEY

  8. OK, so it appears that Tag success is way down in some areas and about normal in this just a fluke?


  9. i bet if you look at the areas with high doe tag sucess area have large numbers applying .. and low succes have few tags avalible… money

  10. in this case chessy I think they are being realistic. They know that they can only allow so many does to be harvested or their golden goose will be cooked in future years. I think they should cut way back on doe tags until we get a healthier population. Not in all areas mind you. I know that in a lot of the non agriculural areas (bush) the deer populations have really been hurt the last two years

  11. I had to deliver a couch to my daughter in Athens last night. Even though I drove through great deer country at a perfect time to see deer I only saw 1 doe. I hope this was an aberation and not a true sample of what deer are around.

  12. Rick, you may be on to something.

    Although I have photographed quite a few deer on my trail cam this summer, I haven’t seen too many during the daylight hours..

    And of course, this is usually the time when we see the bucks out in local fields during late afternoon.


  13. Justin, sounds like your group did much better than average!

    Thanks for stopping by


  14. We hunt 49 and 53A 8 applied and not one tag yet the past two years they have sold extra tags for this area sounds like a money grab to me

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