Arrest warrents out for Lindsay Lohan and Paul Watson

Breaking news: LA County police have issued an arrest warrent for actress Lindsay Lohan.


In a somewhat related newsstory,  Japan has issued an arrest warrant for Sea Shepherd Captain Paul Watson!!


Geez, I can’t believe I missed this one…sorry about that:

Japan issues arrest warrant for Sea Shepherd’s Captain Watson

By Stephanie Dearing of Digital Journal

The Japanese Coast Guard is armed with an international arrest warrant for Sea Shepherd’s Captain, Paul Watson. Watson led Sea Shepherd in interfering with Japan’s whaling expedition this past winter.
The warrant cites Paul Watson for “… suspicion of assault and obstruction of business,” and the Japanese Coast Guard is trying to get Interpol to have Watson placed on the “wanted” list. The winter’s opposition against Japan’s whaling activities mounted by Sea Shepherd was called “Operation No Compromise: Defending the Integrity of the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.” That campaign saved 528 whales, according to Sea Shepherd.

“… Sea Shepherd successfully saved 528 whales- our biggest impact on the whale quota to date. It was worth the months of effort. It was worth the cost. It was worth the loss of the Ady Gil. It was worth the arrest of Captain Pete Bethune.”

Japan has agreed with Sea Shepherd on this point, likely the only thing the two opponents will ever agree upon completely. The Canadian-born Watson has faced down arrest warrants before for his efforts to conserve ocean species. Attempts to interfere with Japan’s whaling activities in February 2010 resulted in the sinking of the boat, the Ady Gil. Japan also arrested Peter Bethune in March 2010. Bethune was the Captain of the Ady Gil. He boarded one Japanese ship with the intention of placing the Captain under citizen’s arrest, and was instead held and taken to Japan. The fight between Sea Shepherd and Japan epitomizes, albeit very graphically, the split that exists in the world. There are those nations which continue to run whaling operations, and there are those which prefer to conserve whales.
The issue is coming to a head, with the International Whaling Commission proposing to allow the hunting of whales without lifting the whaling ban.

21 Replies to “Arrest warrents out for Lindsay Lohan and Paul Watson”

  1. jeff what is the adress i can send money to so that he can be transported overseas when he is convicted i hope they feed him whale meat

    1. Well, I just heard this morning that either Lindsay Lohan or Paul Watson is going to jail for 3 months…but I cant recall now which one it is

      Does anyone know?


  2. You deserve to be thrown overboard and fed to the whales for supporting those barbaric Japanese whalers!! Paul Watson and his crew are absolute heroes and deserve medals for their incredible bravery and dedication to saving these beautiful creatures!

  3. tia thank you .. but there is a fine line between stupidity and bravery . and Mr watson crossed that line long ago

  4. i dont agree with what the japanese are doing but there are ways of doing it . could you imagine if every group did actions like this and we all condoned these action our world would be in anarcy mode .

  5. there is a difference between protesting and breaking the law, I suppose you think what the bank bombers in Ottawa did this week is finer too.
    more important, what does Linsday Lohan have to do with this….got any more pictures of her hehe

  6. thats funny you should bring that up iggy . just listening about that same thing on radio. the rbc the lady they were talking to said seeing that no one got hurt they can be called terroists . and the 500 000 dollar damage is nothing compaired to the dammage done by oil drilling out west.. some peoples kids 🙂

  7. For anyone worried about poor misguided Lindsay, here is the latest LOL
    Lohan arrest warrant recalled

    The 23-year-old actress posted bail yesterday, before she even arrived back in LA from France.

    A warrant for Lindsay Lohan’s arrest has been recalled just hours after it was issued.

    The 23-year-old actress posted bail yesterday, before she even arrived back in LA from France.

    Lohan, who missed a probation court hearing after failing to arrive back from the Cannes Film Festival, put down $10,000 – the standard 10 percent – of the $100,000 bail amount.

    “Bail has been posted and the court has the bond,” a court official confirmed.

    “Whenever someone bonds in, the warrant gets recalled.”

    The warrant for Lohan’s arrest was issued yesterday morning after she failed to turn up for a scheduled court hearing in Beverly Hills, California.

    Her lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley, told the court the actress’s passport had been stolen during her trip to the Cannes Film Festival, meaning she missed her flight back to LA.

    But Beverly Hills Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel refused to let Lohan off and issued the warrant.

    Now it has been recalled, Lohan and Ms Holley must attend a court hearing on Monday when a date will be set for a probation violation hearing.

    Judge Revel indicated in court that there would be conditions attached to Lohan’s bail including no drinking alcohol and random drug testing a minimum of once a week.

  8. Ahh geez, that’s too bad Iggy…I was going to post a whole bunch of Lindsay Lohan pics too…no recent ones
    of course.

    As far as Watson is concerned..I cant believe anyone would actually condone breaking the law…just to support your ’cause’.


  9. did any of you see watsons comments… he is not worried because there actions are illeagle to …. i hope he dont have any kids cause i was always taught 2 wrongs dont make a right

  10. using Tia’s logic, if you can call it that, if I were to somehow kill an animal, that I wasn’t supposed to, my punishment should be to throw me overboad and kill me. Kind of like the logic that Watson uses, they broke the rules, so that leaves me open to do whatever I damn well want to do. Somehow in a civilized society, I don’t think it works quite like that, and if you do try to act that way, you should end up in jail. It’s not up to us as individuals to punish law breakers, and it’s not justafiable with the swash of a brush

  11. The only reason the Japanese have agreed with Sea Shepherd causing losses is because it is evidence against Watson and his organization. Watson was begging to be arrested last year but now he questions his warrant because he claims it is “politically” motivated. Why isn’t Watson writing up some bogus UN Charter for Nature writ ordering jailed SSCS member Peter Bethune’s to be released?

    A quote from Paul Watson Tuesday, June 16, 2009
    Captain Paul Watson Dismisses and Disses the Whale Wars Critics

    “If some people don’t like our tactics then I say – tough! If some people take issue with my strategies then I say – tough! If some people think me and my crew are incompetent, I don’t care and if some people think we are terrorists than I say – arrest me or shut the hell up, because if I was a terrorist, I would be in jail”.

  12. “I don’t care and if some people think we are terrorists than I say – arrest me or shut the hell up, because if I was a terrorist, I would be in jail”

    Chappy, you know they say about things you wish for in life….sometimes they have a way of coming true.


  13. thats how smart this guy is .. “if i was a terrorist I would be in jail. ” so i guess all the terrorist are in jail now the world is a safe place.. this guy drives me off the deep end

  14. So this high seas animal rights terrorist is finally going to face a court room? GREAT! Not only is he a navigational hazard, he is a scofflaw and needs to be remined laws are more than mere suggestions. There are times for civil disobediance, but I hardly think this one of them. With any luck, he will get whale meat, and for a very very long time.


    i can’t stand these organizations that push what they push at all cost and try to shove it down our throats. now i’m not pro whaling by any means but i have my values and i believe what i believe and just whant to be left alone with that, but greepeace and all , they just have to try and shove in all down our throats and try and brainwash as many as possible and rip off as many people of their hard eaarned money in the procces so they can get more salaried employees to work for their ” CAUSE” ahah fell better now.

  16. Do any of you actually realize that if no one were to do anything about the japanese whaling fleet that we might not have any whales left to appreciate. As fas as I am concerned to leave the whaling fleet alone and not do anything about it si the same as saying that we will let people break into your house and murder you beacuse you might taste good. If the Japanese would realize that whales are a amazing creatures and we could learn so much about them if they were allowed to live. I also take my aht off to Mr. Paul Watson for his actions against those who kill the sharks. Let’s not forget that the Captain is not only on the seas to condone the whaling fleet he is also out there to save the sharks!! I believe that every creature has a right to live and if it takes an international incident for people to start seeing what is really happening then SO BE IT!!! I support every effort that Paul and crew have done thus far and anything they are going to do so long as they can!!!!!!!!!!! GO SEA SHEPERD GO!!!!!!!!

    1. concerned Ma: its fine to support a cause you believe in….but what you are supporting here is a man who broke the law..and its not the first time he has done so.

      I am not sure how anyone can support a man like Paul Watson..perhaps if he used legal and intelligent tactics to wage his war against sealing, whaling…etc..people would take him, and his cause, more seriously.


  17. Jeff – I understand that both sides of this one have broken the law however, how many people out there are now beginning to fully understand what the Japanese are really doing on the water and how long they have been doing it for!
    I know that two wrongs do not make a right but perhaps now the powers that be might take a second look and finally stand behind the amount of whales the Japanese are permitted to ‘harvest’ versus the amount they are. This may seem a little one sided but sometimes it takes a strong hand to push in order for the world to really see what happens behind closed doors.

  18. theres alot of things going on in this world that i believe truly wrong but i don’t hang banners or repel of a downtown building or bridge, spray paint peoples clothes ect… but i try and educate my children with my views of right and wrong and i think that goes a long way. i just get really tired of the anti hunting anti this anti that. everybody has an opion but nobody has a right to bully thers onto others. but debate is good and i think better than watson way of doing things

  19. LL for breaking her probation agreement, she didn’t/forgot to show up for her alcohol testing hahahahaha
    she probably slept in with a hangover

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