Turkey and trout just around the corner

Although we are still a few weeks off with plenty of snow left to melt, sportsmen (& women) at this time of year generally fall into two categories.

1) Turkey




2) trout


Which one do you choose?

Send me your spring plans and I will feature you (and all your secrets) in my next Ottawa SUN Outdoors Column. There’s no money involved, in case you’re wondering…



Maple Syrup better late than never


I was speaking with my father yesterday- who lives the heart of sugar bush country – and it looks like syrup producers are poised and ready for take-off this weekend!

At long last!!

Ah, there is nothing like the maple syrup time of year, if you ask me, and I have spent more years than I can recall working the sugar bush. Times I will never forget..not easy work, I might add, but extremely rewarding!

What a blast it was – running lines, repairing breaks, tapping, watching the evaporator, taking the syrup off and even canning. The whole operation is a hoot right down to the moment when that first batch of syrup comes off…man it tastes great when its warm.

There is a definite science involved in any maple syrup operation; from understanding the sap’s sugar content at various times of the year, knowing the colour, taste and density of grade ‘A’ syrup, to skills like understanding how to build and maintain the perfect fire to keep your evaporator going steady.

Then there’s moment when the ‘webbing starts’ at precisely 7 degrees above boiling point of water, and your pure maple syrup is ripe for the picking, or pouring I should say.

Old school syrup producers have never used modern gauges and I’m sure never worried about it either. They can read more in the webbing off their ladle than a thousand sophisticated gauges could ever read..now that is science in itself.


The final product, well, it is a thing of beauty and there is really nothing in the world that compares to the taste of fresh maple syrup, or taffy on snow.

Canada produces 90% of the world’s supply of maple syrup(majority coming from QC) – a statistic we should be extremely proud of.  It is a big part of our heritage just like hunting, fishing or the fur industry.

Now get out there and enjoy some pure Canadian goodness!! (The forecast this weekend looks like -3 to -5 at night with a daily high around 4 -5 degrees C, and all of next week looks the same.)



Weekend visitor of the feathered variety



We had the pleasure of playing host to this beautiful feathered specimen for over three hours this weekend!

This mature Barred Owl (tks Rick for assisting with identification) roosted on a branch of our red pine yesterday, and was quite content to hang out there most of the morning.




If not for the crows harassing this fellow, I wouldn’t have even known it was there. He appeared to be sleeping most of the time but always knew we were watching him; regardless of which door we came out to take photos.



It is fabulous to see these birds around . I know Iggy told me about Great Grey Owl sightings this winter which is reminiscent of 6-7 winters ago when owls were staging in our region.

Well, I’ve never had to pleasure of seeing a Barred Owl before, let along one hanging out less than 75 feet from my house!

Apart from taking a nap, I figure this guy was keeping an eye on squirrels in the neighbour’s property. Either that or was hunting meadow voles or cottontails in the back field.

Hey, who says hunters can’t enjoy the beauty of nature!


Barrhaven wild turkey mayhem


The soon-to-be viral video of two wild turkey ‘Jakes’ pursuing a woman in Barrhaven, reminds us all how well our transplanted residents are doing.

Wild turkey numbers continue to flourish in Eastern Ontario and so too does the hunting opportunities for North America’s largest feathered foul.

When April 25th arrives, turkey hunting enthusiasts will be out in full force in search of a bearded gobbler. Since only the male wild turkey is fair game during the spring season, Jakes (young males) and Toms (adult male) are the birds of choice for local hunters.

The problem with Barrhaven, of course, is the dreaded firearms “No Discharge Zone” which prohibits the use of any firearm; thus eliminating any opportunity of controlling bird numbers through a controlled harvest.


(City of Ottawa – firearms “No Discharge” Zone Barrhaven-area)

Ok, so you can’t hunt these Barrhaven birds.  What then can you do to protect yourself from a wild turkey attack?

First off I would suggest, if confronted by an irate gobbler,  be sure to protect your groin-area from an aggressive ‘peck’ or ‘ spur poke.’ Male gobblers have spurs they us a defense mechanism and to fight rival males during the spring mating season.

These spurs can be dangerous if you’re poked with one, although it certainly doesn’t happen very often. So, what is the likelihood of being jabbed in the groin or receiving a spur to some other part of your body?

Just about nil…you are much more likely to be attacked by the dog next door!

Let’s keep it in perspective here people. These are only birds, they are NOT western cougars, black bears or grizzlies. No one has ever been killed by a wild turkey according to my extensive research (Google)

Sure these birds may be a pain, but in all honestly are not really a threat to life or personal property. I know my neighbour’s complain that gobblers make a mess of their vegetable garden, but unfortunately if you live within the firearms ‘No discharge’ zone, there is little you can do to control them.

My neighbours put-up a ‘scare turkey’ which is basically a scarecrow for wild turkeys. From what I have seen, though, it does little to rid their property of wayward gobblers.

I say we just get used to them.  I personally find them to be rather intriguing and neat to watch. (And they’re also darn good eating)

Perhaps a can of bear spray might come in handy for Barrhaven people who live in fear. Keep in mind that shops who sell Bear Spray may have you fill-out paperwork and you will probably be asked your intentions with regards to the product.

In the meantime, keep a hand over your groin and try to avoid these feathered bandits on residential streets.

And hey, don’t feel bad it could be worse. The town of Churchill, Manitoba has to deal with Polar Bears strolling into town each year!


Here is the segment from CHEZ 106 FM’s Doc & Woody Show: [esplayer url=”http://storage.ottawasun.com/v1/blogs-prod-media/151/37291/1363279819/JeffMTurkey2-1.mp3″ width=”250″ height=”25″]


For a full appreciation of the size some gobbler’s spurs can get, check out the image Iggy sent me:



Brewer Park Project good for fish habitat!


The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority along with the Environment Committee of Ottawa South have been putting their heads together on an exciting neighborhood initiative – to connect the man-made former swimming pond in Brewer Park with the natural Rideau River.

It would be the first time these water bodies have been joined in over 50 years!

The project would allow a channel to be cut on the east-side of the pond allowing the free flow of water from the main Rideau River.

 Several ecological benefits have already been identified by the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority:

a) Allow fish species year round access in and out of the pond to the Rideau River.
b) Eliminate the potential for fish kills as a result of the occurrences of anoxic conditions in the pond in the winter and summer months.
c) Altering elevations to create conditions suitable for more diverse submergent and emergent aquatic vegetation in the pond.
d) Creation of new functional spawning, nursery, rearing and food supply habitat in the restored wetland feature for the fish community residing in the adjacent reach of the Rideau River.
e) Providing new and enhanced winter and summer refuge areas for fish.
f) Increased biodiversity.
g) improved water quality for the Rideau River as a result of the wetland enhancement.


(Photo showing how Brewer Park Pond as it appeared in 1950)



(Photo showing how Brewer Park Pond appears now)

I can just imagine hauling-in a 20 pound muskie from Brewer Park Pond….sounds like a dream come true!

Come out this weekend for an Information Session on the project – Saturday from 3:15 to 5 pm, Main Hall Ottawa South Community Centre, 260 Sunnyside Avenue (in Old Ottawa South)


For more information: http://www.rvca.ca/brewerpark/index.html




Fairmont Kenauk up for sale!




When I heard the news of Stompin’ Tom’s passing..I knew it was going to be a bad day.

 I am not sure what to think this morning, with the National Post article indicating the my favorite home away from home – Fairmont Kenauk – in Montebello is now up for sale!




Anyone who’s been following my articles over the last decade have, undoubtedly, heard my talk about this little slice of heaven. I have been going to Kenauk regularly since 2000, and have followed the history of this magnificent place since I was a boy.


Kenauk was once an exclusive private hunting and fishing club…for the Quebec Senators and political elites like Pierre Trudeau and Lester B Pearson. It was known as the Seigneurie Club and famous for its moose and deer hunting, as well as top notch trout, pike and bass fishing. Contrary to what some articles are reporting, there is no bear hunting at Kenauk.


The immense 65, 000 acre estate is currently owned by Oxford Properties which acquired Kenauk from Fairmont Hotels back in 2006. There is no word as to why they have decided to put the property on the market.

 I was doing some quick math, and if all the regular contributors here at the Outdoors Guy Blog put-in 4 Million apiece we could all be co-owners.

Ahhhh, dare to dream!!!



Ministry's Paperless Approach going over like lead balloon


Both the Ontario and Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources have, in recent years, been moving towards making their offices modern and ‘paperless’.

But at what cost?

Sure, having all the rules and regulations available online is a real benefit to those with access to a computer. I’m not sure what I would do without the internet and all my online tools, but what about someone like my father who’s never owned a PC in his life?  What about anyone without access to a computer or the Internet?

Back in the good ol days, you could purchase a deer or moose license and grab a copy of the regs on your way out. But not anymore!

Guys like my hunting pal Ken for example who lives in Quebec’s, Laurentians without access to a computer. Last Fall, he purchased his deer permit at the local Depanneur, as he has for almost 35 years, but when he went to grab his copy of the 2012 Hunting Regulations they were nowhere to be seen!

After calling me and doing a bit of research, we discovered that the booklet is only available now on ‘special order’, and if he wanted one would have to call the 1 (800) which he did. The lady on the line explained that the information he wanted was ‘readily available online’, until Ken explained to her that he doesn’t own a computer.

Over on this side of the river it is much the same thing.

Avid angler Herman Baguss just wanted a copy of the Fishing Regs for 2013 and was told, when he when called the MNR, that they no longer handing them out.

When he asked someone in the know, he was ordered to go online “Download them and print them”..which thoroughly ticked him off!

I’m sure Herman is not the first person to be ticked-off at our government’s move towards a paperless office.

It would seem that both Quebec and Ontario are moving in that direction.

Call me oldschool, but what is really wrong with paper anyway? I suppose it all boils down to dollars and cents. Sadly, with an aging Canadian population, more and more of our older hunting and fishing enthusiasts will start to feel abandoned in a world of high tech. I can’t blame them really.

Hey, can we not just print a token amount of hunting and fishing regs for those who can’t get them online, and make them available?

As much as I enjoy all the modern high tech conveniences, there is still something special about holding a ‘hard copy’ booklet in my hand, but I suppose that luxury has gone by way of the dodo bird.


Singer Morrissey snubs Duck Dynasty boys


Britain’s Morrissey – so-called singer of 80′s band The Smiths, has sparked controversy yet again over his refusal to appear on tonight’s Jimmy Kimmel Live.

Morrissey, an outspoken Animal Rights Activist, was to be a guest on Kimmel’s late night talkshow, until discovering that the Robertson boys from Duck Dynasty television show fame, are also guests.

Morrissey says he cannot appear on the same show with the likes of those who amount to ‘animal serial killers’.


Phil Robertson, a serial killer?  I don’t think so!

Willie Roberston, a serial killer?  No siree Bob!

Jase Robertson, a serial killer?  Bahh, he couldn’t hurt a fly

Miss Kay, a serial killer?  Come on man have you lost your mind??


No one from Duck Dynasty was available for comment, but I think I know what they would say anyway.

To show you the shear depth of this Morrissey guy’s depravity. Before starting a one of his shows back in 2011, the delusional vegetarian told the crowd, “We all live in a murderous world, as the events in Norway have shown..though that is nothing compared to what happens in McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried S**t every day!” 

His comments came only days after the Oslo, Norway mass shooting where 77 people, mostly children, were gunned down.

According to sources, Morrissey’s performance will be rescheduled for a later date. (I really hope they let us know when so I can tune out that night)

In other news, be sure to check out tonight’s Jimmy Kimmel Show, with special guests stars the Robertson’s’ from Duck Dynasty, featuring musical guest anyone other than Morrissey.




Eric's Key West Charter Adventure

Avid angler Eric Dupuis – Ottawa SUN’s Advertising Guru – just returned from his Honeymoon in Florida, and has kindly shared some details on an amazing fishing charter he and his wife went-on in the Keys.

Wait, fishing on your Honeymoon??

A tip of the hat to Eric – a true angler!



Here are the pics from the first charter that Bridgit and I did on our honeymoon trip to south Florida.

This charter was out of Key West fishing shipwrecks in the Atlantic Ocean about 7 miles off shore. We booked an 8 hour charter with Captain Paul D’Antoni – his company is called Seize the Day. We generally fished in just over 200ft of water.
We caught a lot of fish as the action was non-stop. We also lost a lot of fish but that is the risk with wreck fishing for fish with sharp teeth. The fish are pretty smart and won’t hit line with leaders.
I ended up catching a 12lbs Barracuda within the first couple of minutes. Bridgit then caught a small Blue Runner which captain Paul then hooked in the back, cast it out and gave me the rod, within seconds 2 huge barracuda grabbed it and I ended up hooking the larger one and it peeled drag out for about 5 minutes. After a long fight I got it up to the boat where captain Paul released it with a long hook-release. He said it was about 30lbs and was one of the biggest barracuda he’d ever seen. Shortly after I caught an 18lbs Amberjack and Bridgit caught one about 10lbs. I also caught a Remora, Mutton Snapper & Silk Shark. Bridgit caught a funky looking grouper and a mangrove snapper. We each caught a silk snapper and about a dozen blue runners.



The fishing wasn’t the only excitement: While driving between wrecks we saw a large Hammerhead shark come up to the surface thrashing it’s head, a sailfish jumped about 5 times and another huge shark come up about 10 feet below the boat on a hunt. He stuck around for a while and was about 300lbs!
It was a great time and the 8 hours flew by!

Eric Dupuis


Uncle Ted lashes back at President over gun control


OK folks, I know I know…gun control in the US is a hot and controversial topic right now so why bring it up again?

Add to that, out-spoken Second Amendment gun activist (Uncle) Ted Nugent, and you’ve got the makings of one tumultuous Blog Post indeed!

But when a guy like Nugent gets invited to the State of the Union Address, one just can’t help but notice. As a special guest of Texas GOP Steve Stockman, it didn’t take old Ted long to lash-out at his favourite nemesis – none other than the President of the United States.

Ted responded to the address by calling Mr. Obama’s speech a “flowery” spew of “more nonsense”

President Obama declared in his speech that stronger background checks were in order, plus a ban on assault weapons and limits to ammunition magazines.  He stated that these requirements were worthy of a ‘Vote in Congress’

According to Uncle Ted, however, these provision would have no effect on recent events in Newtown or Aurora, in his opinion.

“Nothing he’s (Obama) proposed would have stopped any of the shootings,” Nugent said, following the President’s speech. “None of those shooters are gonna register anything.”

Yes, we all agree that firearms reform is necessary especially south of the border, but has the President really identified the areas requiring reform?

Although a bit of a stretch maybe, Canada’s former Long Gun Registry was another attempt at firearms reform which didn’t work. Perhaps crazy old Ted Nugent may have a point.

Majority of North American Media these days are labelling Ted Nugent a raging, trigger happy lunatic, whereas I would not be so hasty in painting the man with the same broad-stroked brush.
