Long gun registry and frontline police


(Photo of Outdoors Guy with a fine looking long gun)

Man, who would have believed we’d still be discussing long gun registry after all these years, but here we are. 

And with the cancellation of the beleaguered gun registry finally on the horizon, out of the blue we hear from the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police; speaking out in favour of saving it?


I couldn’t believe it when I heard. Obviously there is a lot more going on here than we know. 

Even a poll done recently by Edmonton Police Const. Randy Kuntz showed that 92% of the 2,631 front-line police who participated, felt the long gun registry was not an effective crime fighting tool.

Of course we knew that already.

Can someone please explain to me how this is possible?

It reminds me of when the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) union head spoke out during an election, in support of the Bloc Quebecois. If you can believe it, this woman actually had the gall to encourage union members to vote Bloc. Fortunately common sense reined and free-thinking members ignored her plea.

My guess is the same will happen with Bill C-68, and it will be put out to pasture where it belongs, regardless of what the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police has to say.


(Bonus points for anyone who can tell me what kind of rifle that is)

Grow op Bears Gain National Attention

Well, it is certainly great to be back from holidays, all rested up and full of piss and vinegar!

I’m really glad to see that no one tore this place down whilst I was gone..although it was touch and go there for awhile.

So, have you heard about the Grow-Op Bears in Alberta? What a hornets nest that is!


(Photo courtesy of the RCMP)

According to SUN MEDIA:

“A group of up to 15 bears were found a few weeks ago near Christina Lake, hanging about near a patch of more than 1,000 pot plants and devoid of natural instincts to be fearful of humans.

Officials said the concern now is the bears are dependent on human handouts, like dog food allegedly doled out to keep them in the area, and they may be unable to fend for themselves.

Criminal charges are pending against the people who occupied the land and they likely face charges under the Provincial Wildlife Act, which, on conviction, could see a fine of up to $100,000.”

Now a petition has been started on Facebook (God forbid) to save these bears which appear destined to be euthanized. 

The whole situation is a shame on many different levels..

What do you think about all this..drop me a line?


P.S. Well, hope everyone had a good summer, believe it or not in less than two weeks it’ll all be over.

P.P.S. I hoping to put up a post featuring frequent Outdoors Guy contributer Iggy and his successful black bear hunt in Northern ON….

Antlerless deer tag results are in


(This yearling and 2-year old buck stopped by for a visit this past weekend..wondering why there’s no food out yet) 

Well, according to Blog reader Ian, the doe tag draw results are out, and his camp received but one tag out of six. Ian’s camp had enjoyed 100% tag draw success over the last ten years. 

His neighbouring camp also received one out of six this year, so at least its consistent. 

It seems the tag cutback plan has come to fruition, has anyone else received their antlerless tag yet?? 


Outdoors Guy new book projects


Ahh, there’s nothing like the smell and taste of cooking your own wild fish and game!! 

Here is a photo of my hunting buddy Jim Bindon – taken at our camp back in the 1980’s – as he watches over some juicy moose steaks on the fire.

If I recall, it was too wet for a campfire that day, so we chose to sear the steaks over the open woodstove instead.

Well, now with Weird Facts about Fishing under my belt and a bit of spare time left, I am moving on to my next book writing project! 

I’m pleased to report that I have just signed a deal with Lone Pine Publishing (of Edmonton & Auburn Washington) to write three (3) Wild Game and Wild Fish cookbooks between now and next spring. Its going to be busy, but I’m sure I can pull it off! 

Here’s an example of one of the many fine Lone Pine publications: 


These wild game and fish cookbooks will be a new and exciting adventure that I look forward to greatly!

It is at this point that I invite all Outdoors Guy Blog readers to submit their favourite wild game or wild fish recipe.  I’m sure you’ve all got some good ones and hey, who better to write my books for me that you folks…. 

I know some of you had your fishing stories included in my Weird Facts book, and I’m really hoping to include as many great wild game and fish recipes as humanly possible. 

These books will, of course, cover other important aspects such as meat storage and preparation as well as outdoor cooking mishaps, hunting & fishing trip culinary skills, and hunt camp cooking tricks and tips…hey, just like my buddy Jim in the photo!



You thought our bears were dangerous


Over in India there is a fierce predator known as the Sloth bear – an animal perhaps the most dangerous of any land animal on earth. 

It truly puts all grizzly bears and black bears to shame, as far as aggressiveness and history of attacks and human disfigurement. 

According to Wikipedia: 

“The sloth bear is more inclined to attack man unprovoked than almost any other animal, and casualties inflicted by it are unfortunately very common, the victim being often terribly disfigured even if not killed, as the bear strikes at the head and face. Blanford was inclined to consider sloth bears more dangerous than tigers…” 

Last Wednesday alone, a sloth bear in Jarida village India went on a rampage and killed 4 people in one gruesome attack.

Killing rampages, for some reason, seem to be the Sloth bear’s speciality. According to statistics, one famous killing spree in India saw a single sloth bear responsible for the deaths of 12 people and injuries to 2 dozen others.

Let’s be thankful these angry bears don’t live in North America, as even our resident bears probably wouldn’t stand a chance against them!


Nasty invasive fish suspected in Canadian waters


I just returned from a week-long camping trip and was greeted to some very unpleasant news in the Canadian fish world!

Apparently, an Ontario woman caught a strange fish in Canadian waters last weekend; that is believed to be a Northern Snakehead.

While fishing in the Welland Canal – which links Lake Erie and Ontario last weekend, Amy Merry reeled-in the weirdest looking fish she, or anyone else around her, had ever seen.

“As I kept reeling it in, it would take off and pull the line back out. I thought it was going to snap the line or even the pole,” Merry told CTV news.

If this ugly invader does indeed turn out to be a Northern Snakehead – one of the few fish species that can actually breathe air – it would be very bad news for the Great Lakes System!

To give you a full appreciation for how nasty these fish are, here’s an excerpt on the Northern Snakehead taken from my book Weird Facts about Fishing.

“The northern snakehead is another odd fish that is native to the Yangtze River in China where they survive in large numbers. However, as with many other accidental introductions into North American waters, they can also be a scary sight and create substantial damage. The northern snakehead story in the United States dates back to the turn of the new millennium where a restaurant owner from New York City reportedly ordered some snakeheads to make soup for his restaurant. Well, that’s when all the trouble started.  

The northern snakehead, you see, is a very peculiar fish in not only its looks but in its ability to breathe air. These critters can live for several days out of water and in China are often packaged and shipped live as they will remain fresh for longer providing a fresher meal. It is believed that the New York restaurant owner received his snakeheads for soup but found them too cute to eat, so later decided to put them in his aquarium instead. As the story goes, his two snakeheads quickly consumed all the ‘feeder fish’ the restaurant owner offered them and in no time became too large for the aquarium. 

It is believed the man then released them into a pond behind the house where these native Chinese fish had their run of all the local pan fish in the lake, which they made short work of devouring. As time went on, the snakeheads reproduced and eventually found their way into other nearby water systems. They have reportedly even been caught by anglers in
Maryland and turned into the Department of Natural Resources for examination. Because of their ability to breathe air and the fact that they are extremely resilient, with such a veracious appetite, the northern snakehead is a real concern to local waters. Some people call them the “Jaws” of the new millennium. They are yet another example of an exotic fish species accidentally released into non-native waters. 

Within a year, it was discovered that the snakeheads had been found in six other
U.S. states.”

Grizzly attack leaves one dead and two injured


In what officials are describing as perhaps the worst bear attack in Montana history, one person is left dead and 2 more, including a woman from Ontario, seriously injured. 

The horrific attack occurred Tuesday at the Soda Butte Campground, near Yellowstone and is believed to be the work of a mother Grizzly bear with cubs. 

Deb Freele of London awoke to a feel of a bear chewing on her arm. When she screamed, the bear clamped down harder so she told herself to go limp and play dead. 

That strategy saved her life, as the bear let go and moved on. 

Another man, whose identity has not yet been released, was not so lucky and he died of his injuries.

A third person was also injured in the same campground. 

Freele’s husband was sleeping in a nearby tent and had not realized what happened until it was over.

Officials today are saying they have captured the bear responsible for all three attacks.


New Hampshire bear plays Goldilocks and steals stuffy


In a New Hampshire town known more for its annual motorcycle rally, a brazen black bear has made international news. 

The wayward black bear strolled into Mary Beth Parkinson’s home in Laconia New Hampshire this week through an open door, and made itself quite at home in the family kitchen. 

The bear is being dubbed as ‘Goldilocks’ not because it ate porridge, but instead snacked on some pears and a clump of grapes it found sitting out. 

The bruin then washed it all down with a drink from the family fishbowl and grabbed a stuffed likeness of itself – a ‘teddy bear’ – on the way out the door. 

When the woman arrived home the sound of the garage door opening startled the bear which then made a run for it! 

Mary Beth Parkinson said she will make sure all her doors are properly shut when she leaves the house next time.

Now, how come this sort of thing never happens in Toronto?

In a related story, a bear in Colorado tore apart the inside of someone’s car this week. Apparently, it got in to eat a peanut butter sandwich left on the back seat, and was trapped inside when the door closed.


Whos hunting what and when


Although hunting is in our blood and steeped in our family tradition, mid-summer is typically a quiet time in the Great Outdoors for local hunters. 

It is a time of year when fishermen far outnumber hunters and firearms are generally put on the shelf for a period of rest; until the cool weather arrives again. 

But all is not lost, the fall hunting seasons are just around the corner and there must be, at least, some hunters hitting the woods these days?

I mean, much of small game hunting can be done year round but you rarely hear about it at this time of year. 

Drop me a line and tell us what’s on your mind, hunting-wise. 


Outdoors Guy readers salmon trip of a lifetime


Thanks to Outdoor’s Guy Blog reader Denis Raymond for sending in some great photos of his recent salmon trip to Prince Rupert, British Columbia. 

It is a fishing trip Denis is calling his ‘Trip of a lifetime’ and after seeing his pics I tend to agree. 

I can recall stories an old hunting friend of mine, who use to live in Prince Rupert, would tell me. The area is known for having some of the best salmon and halibut fishing on earth! 


Denis and his pals fished out of Prince Rupert (800 Km north of Victoria) which I’m told is the last community in Northern BC.

They were actually only 60 miles from the southern panhandle of Alaska and just east of the Queen Charlotte Islands 




From the look of it they had one heck of a great experience.

Thanks to Denis Raymond for sharing his incredible photos with us.

Please feel free to send in stories and photos of your favourite hunting or fishing trip.
