Just because National Fishing Week has drawn to a close doesn’t mean you still can’t take a young person fishing this summer!
Instead of your kids sitting in front of the boob-tube, wouldn’t it be more enjoyable for everyone to plan a fishing adventure with friends and family?
Hitting the water with fishing rod in hand is the sort of thing I did as a child, and what I still enjoy doing with my own kids. Unfortunately the trend today is moving away from outdoor recreation.
I really think we need to do something about that!
The key to success, I’ve found, when fishing with young people is to keep it simple, make it fun and focus on the thrill of the catch.
My girls love nothing more than joining me on the water to ‘drown a few worms’ and perhaps pull-in some sunfish and rock bass, but I always make sure not to stay out too long and to make it interesting.
It can be a great time had by all so long as you keep it fun, and choosing the right spot sometimes can be half the battle.
For those looking for a place to go this summer, here is a couple of great fishing locations put together by the SUN’s Don Wilcox.

1) Morris Island Conservation Area – off Morris Island Rd. near Galetta (20mins west of Ottawa).
Located on the Ottawa River, this spot has a causeway cutting through a bay, and anglers can walk right along the causeway fishing off both sides. Great panfish, bass, pike, and even long nosed gar (Don’s son Jamie caught one of these throwbacks to the dinosaur age when he was about 10 …the gar was about 7-8 lbs) There are also some walleye and muskie to be found at Morris Island.
Boating, however, is NOT recommended here because of strong currents due to the nearby hydro dam. There is a nature trail, a nice fishing platform in centre of the bay and lots of room for other activities if the kids want a break from fishing.
2) Kars Fairgrounds or the Kars Dock in south Ottawa. The dock is on the Rideau and can be a busy spot, but the fishing is great for everything from panfish to bass, walleye, pike and muskie. It’s at the end of Old Wellington St. in Kars.
Just around the corner is the Kars Fairground (off Rideau Valley Dr.). Another super spot because when the kid’s tire of fishing, there’s tons of space for games, picnicking, etc. There’s lots of panfish along the shore as well as bass and some pike.
All are easily accessible for anglers without boats. They are close by too, so you don’t have to drive far, and there are lots of fish so even novice anglers should be able to make a few catches.
There’s the usual conservation area fee to access Morris Island. Fishing at the Kars spots is free. Good parking at the fairgrounds, but you might have to walk a ways to fish at the dock.
Hey, if you know of any other great fishing spots where you like to bring the kids, please feel free to drop me a line: