Big Foot Sasquatch fact or fiction


I, for one, am a firm believer that the Big Foot does exist in the wild. I have always believed so. With such compelling evidence out there, how can you not believe in the possibility of living Gigantopithecus


This clip from the 1967 Patterson film of a ‘she big foot’, along with a handful of other footage and hundreds of eye-witness accounts, remain as solid proof that large ape-like creatures do exist in North America. And not just in the Pacific Northwest, evidence of the Sasquatch has even been discovered in Northern Ontario.

Each year, footprints and further evidence on the Big Foot is gathered and compiled. Even those Scientists who had hoped to ‘debunk’ the Big Foot myth have been unable to do so unequivocally. 


The old ‘man-in-a-costume’ theory has been shot down over and over again. In fact, the best costume designers in the world attempted to recreate the Big Foot costume and were unable to do so

If you’re into this sort of thing and you get a chance, check out the Sasquatch Big Foot – Legend Meets Science. It’s a 5-part series on Youtube from the Discovery Channel, which has looked at every aspect of the Big Foot, including gate analysis, footprint casts and a closer examination of several pieces of footage, some as recent as 2007.
I don’t know about you, but just the thought that such a creature could exist in the wild is amazing!


4 thoughts on “Big Foot Sasquatch fact or fiction”

  1. hey guys was just checking this picture out and noticed that right at the back of the picture if you looking at it , on the back top left hand the is another black figure , is it another bigfoor or just a camera lighting thing ?

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