I cannot believe it took me a full year to hear about this one; yet one more lowbrow attempt by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to drum-up exposure and support.
But this time they have lowered the bar even further, in my opinion.
This letter was sent by PETA’s Dan Mathews in April, 2010, to Chris Henderson- chairperson for Ottawa’s Kitchissippi United Church (Formerly Westboro United Church) Congregational Council:
April 15, 2010
Chris Henderson
Kitchissippi United Church Congregational Council
Dear Mr. Henderson,
In light of the recent news that the Westboro United Church has been put up for sale, PETA would like to offer to pay to hang a banner that reads, “God Loves All Creatures. Stop the Seal Slaughter,” on the side of your church until it’s sold.
Global leaders as diverse as Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, and His Holiness The Dalai Lama have taken a stand against the slaughter, and the European Union recently voted to ban seal fur. We’d like to boost our campaign in Ottawa and send the message to the Canadian government that it’s time to put a stop to this disgraceful massacre once and for all.
Please contact me at your earliest convenience to discuss rates. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Dan Mathews
PETA Senior Vice President
Well, I suppose I should not be surprised by the underhanded tactics employed by this so-called ‘non-profit’ organization, yet I always felt in the pit of my stomach that some things would remain sacred – even for them. I (wrongly) gave them that benefit of the doubt.
Evidently nothing is sacred when it comes to PETA – not even a house of God in midst of financial difficulty. The Westboro Church has since amalgamated with two other parishes to form the Kitchissippi United Church (which incidentally has a fabulous rummage sale each year)
NO, I really shouldn’t be too surprised by PETA’s antics, as now I realize there is no level to which they will not stoop in proselytising their ‘good word’ on animal rights.
Here is PETA’s own press-release regarding their proposal to Ottawa’s former Westboro church, a place of worship right here in our city. I just love the part where these clowns refer to their propaganda ad as a “Win -Win”.
The whole idea of what they did makes me nauseous.
Ottawa — This morning, PETA sent a letter to Chris Henderson, chair of the Kitchissippi United Church Congregational Council, offering to buy space on the Westboro United Church to display a banner that reads, “God Loves All Creatures. Stop the Seal Slaughter.” The council owns the Westboro United building, which has fallen into disrepair and is for sale. Every year, tens of thousands of baby seals have their heads bashed in or are shot during the commercial seal slaughter, which is an off-season profit venture for the fishing industry.
“Our proposal is a win-win solution: It will raise awareness about Canada‘s shameful seal massacre and provide the church with much-needed funds at the same time,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “What better use for a proud old church than to have it serve as a beacon for showing compassion for others?”
Yup, just when you thought groups like this have achieved an the all-time low, they outdo themselves.
Well done Dan Mathews and PETA, you must be very proud.