Another exciting deer season!

My annual deer hunt at Kenauk Nature is always the highlight of my year, and this fall was no exception. The famous Montebello, Quebec territory, with its rugged terrain and majestic old growth stands of oak, brings me back year after year.

This particular deer season, as I gazed in amazement at a big mature whitetail buck loping roughshod through the hardwoods in front of me, my entire hunting season culminated in this one brief encounter. The scene was almost surreal as we watched the dark beast break from the comfort of his three does. But this wasn’t the only deer we saw during the deer season. Whitetail numbers, from what we observed, were definitely on the increase in this magnificent land, and back at our family hunt camp too where we spent the first part of the rifle season.

Population on the rebound

The first week of the deer hunt was spent as I have these past 36 years, climbing the peaks around our family camp near Mont Tremblant. I’m happy to report the whitetail population has rebounded swimmingly over the previous fall. We observed several does with twin fawns and the overall deer activity was up from last year. We were encouraged by the amount of deer sign in the way of images on my six trail cameras, as well as tracks in the woods. We chose to pass-up on a yearling buck as we have done in the past, and secretly crossed our fingers that other hunters might do the same. Word on the street is that deer numbers are up in eastern Ontario as well which great news for hunters and conservationists alike

Big buck on the move

As the biggest-bodied buck I’d seen in over 20 years trampled the Kenauk underbrush like matchsticks, my hunting partner Jim and I watched in disbelief.  There was no way in heck we were going to stop this beast and as the reality of the situation sunk-in; we were left scratching our heads. Chalk it up to one more eventful outing in the deer woods. We will be anxious to get back up there next fall with hopes of challenging this old monarch once again. Thanks to Bill Nowell and Celyne Fortin of Kenauk Nature for facilitating another great trip to a ‘little slice of heaven’. To enjoy wilderness at its best and top notch accommodations check out:  For more information on deer hunting across the river, contact Tourism Quebec: 1-877-266-5687

Fish, Hunt & Ride Fall issue

The autumn issue of Fish, Hunt & Ride magazine is now available online; featuring scads of hunting, fishing and riding stories, news, tips and tricks. Fall is about hunting and we really take it to heart in this edition. Fish, Hunt & Ride would also like to welcome a new member of our team; Ashley Rae of fame. Ashley is a gal who lives and breathes the great outdoors and is as passionate an angler as I’ve ever seen! Be sure to read Ashley’s first column along with great material from our team of experts and specialists. Oh and hey, Ol’ Toothless is celebrating 20 years; read our fall issue for more details:

Safety first

This time of year with some hunting still on the go, enthusiasts are reminded to be vigilant and take the necessary safety precautions. Remember that hunter orange of a minimum 400 square inches is required and, for Ontario residents, a hunter orange cap as well. Be sure to keep your firearms and ammunition locked away when not in use, and never shoot unless absolutely sure of your target and beyond. It is illegal to shoot from a vehicle or carry a loaded firearm in or on a vehicle, and remember that any hunter who harvests a deer must immediately attach the game seal. A safe hunt is a happy hunt and a careless accident can turn a wonderful day in the woods into tragedy.

Next time

Check out next month’s column for highlights from this year’s deer hunt as well as your Valley ice-fishing primer! Drop me a line anytime with your hunting and fishing news, or stories:

Experience a whitetail hunt this Fall

With moose season drawing to a close, whitetail hunters everywhere are gearing-up for the pursuit of North America’s most sought after big-game animal.

The white-tailed deer rifle season is a special and sentimental time I have enjoyed immensely for the past 36 years. From that first deer season back in 1980 when my dad brought me along to hunt with the men, I was hooked instantly. Of course I lucked out when a big eight-point buck ran right out to me on that first morning. It was an exciting time for a young green-horn hunter and I believe most hunters, young and old, still share this child-like enthusiasm for the deer season. My upcoming hunt at Kenauk Nature is something I now look forward to year after year. The famous Montebello, Que., deer woods is a true hunter’s paradise with its rolling hills, rugged terrain and the most majestic old growth stands of red oak I’ve ever seen. Climbing the peaks each autumn with my hunt gang in pursuit of a whitetail buck is always exciting, and this year is no exception. I have been fortunate to take some truly magnificent whitetail bucks at Kenauk over the years but, as most deer hunters know, it’s not all about the harvest.

Getting out in the crisp, cool fall air with the boys planning out each hunt with a fine-tooth comb is what we live for. Coming together as a team; strategizing and pouring over topographic maps and GPS co-ordinates with hopes of positioning ourselves for a chance at a deer. Many years our best planning does not translate into a sagging game pole and that’s fine with me. The experience is what it’s all about and what an experience it is! For more info on Kenauk Nature:

Fish, Hunt & Ride Fall issue If you have not yet found an issue of everyone’s favourite magazine – Fish, Hunt & Ride, I suggest you find one at our nearly 300 location. The FHR summer edition celebrated Ontario’s reinstatement of the black spring bear hunt with adventures penned by several columnists’ including ‘Uncle’ Ted Nugent. Our fall issue will be bigger and better than ever with scads of hunting, fishing and riding stories, news, tips and tricks.

Fall is ALL about hunting and we really take it to heart in our next edition. Fish, Hunt & Ride would like to welcome a new member of our team: Ashley Rae of fame. Ashley is a gal who lives and breathes the great outdoors and is as passionate an angler as I’ve ever seen. Be sure to read Ashley’s first column along with great material from other members of our team of experts and specialists. Oh and hey, Old Toothless is celebrating 20 years, read our fall issue for more details. If you have an upcoming hunting, fishing, or ATV event in your area you’d like to mention or advertise, drop us a line. In the meantime check out our website:

Safety always comes first! Statistics show that firearms-related accidents are rare during the hunting season, however there are other health and safety concerns to be aware of. Perhaps our greatest hazard, apart from falling asleep in the tree stand, would be muscle strain and body fatigue.

For many hunters, deer season can be one of most strenuous activities of the year. After trekking five miles or more up and down the mountains, aches and pains are part of the package and injury a possibility. Simple stretching exercises in the morning can help get the old body loosened up and ready for an enjoyable day in the woods. For those who do a lot of walking like we do, be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Waking up at camp in the middle of the night with excruciating leg pain from muscle spasms can be avoided if you don’t let yourself get dehydrated. Trust me on this one. Good luck, happy hunting and be safe out there this fall!

Late Season in the Great Outdoors

Seasonal changes are upon us, you can just feel it in the air and our fish and wildlife are greatly influenced by it.

Fish species like northern pike and muskie, which spent much of the summer in deep water, slowly begin to appear in shallower more ‘fishable’ water. Seasonal movement is observed among the white-tailed deer population as well. With the buck’s antler development all but complete, resident males will travel into open fields for the annual meet and greet with the boys. As the pre-season sizing-up period approaches, bucks congregate in groups to compare antlers size and establish the pecking order. Late summer can be one of the best times to observe critters on the move so be on the look-out, and have your camera ready!

Fish, Hunt & Ride magazine

I trust by now you have all found the summer issue of everyone’s favorite magazine, Fish, Hunt & Ride? Our summer edition celebrates, among other things, Ontario’s reinstatement of the spring black bear season with hunting adventures by several columnists’ including ‘Uncle’ Ted Nugent. Add to that more fishing, riding and hunting than you can shake a stick at and you’ve got Ontario and Quebec’s most comprehensive publication. Special note of thanks to Pembroke native and FHR columnist; Jordan Durocher for his work organizing the 1st Annual Upper Ottawa River Kayak Fishing Derby held Aug. 6. With a total of 28 participants, it was a darn good turn-out for its first year and Jordan tells me the event was tons of fun too! If you have upcoming hunting, fishing, or ATV/watersports events in your area you’d like to mention or advertise, drop me a line. In the meantime check-out our website:

Lexus RX-350, luxury at its best

The completely redesigned 2016 Lexus RX-350 SUV I tried-out recently came with a 3.5-liter V6 under the hood kicking-out a more than ample 295 horses; and launching me soundly (and safely) up the Ottawa Valley to Cobden. Road-testing a luxury SUV is a new experience for me and I savoured the task to the very end. The new RX-350’s interior was very well-appointed with a high-end quality feeling throughout. The gauges were nicely laid out and quite user-friendly. This RX featured a joystick controller, which is much like a computer mouse and took some getting used to. Lexus is about quality and safety and the new RX-350 is rated as the safest luxury SUV on the market. Through the Enform App Suite located on the large centre console, you can stream music or listen to live radio once the app has been installed. Perhaps the most interesting feature I discovered; however, was the colour heads-up display where important parameters such as current speed, gear and RPM are projected onto the lower part of your windshield. I referred to it as the ‘hologram.’ This neat safety feature keeps the driver’s eyes on the road at all times and I found it absolutely succeeded. Oh, and the Mark Levinson Premium surround sound system is by far the best automobile sound system I have ever heard! It was much like sitting front row at a Guns & Roses concert and trust me I’ve been there. My time with the 2016 Lexus RX-350 was short but sweet and I was sad to give it up. For more information on the RX-350, check out:

Arnprior fundraiser dinner

It was great this week to hear from my old pal Blake Corbin, host of Outdoors in the Valley Radio Show on the awesome Valley Heritage Radio (FM 98.7) in Renfrew. Blake wanted to give me the heads-up on the annual Arnprior Fish and Game Club fundraiser dinner being held on Sept. 10. For more information on Blake’s show on Valley Heritage Radio:

Next time

Be sure to check-out my next column when I discuss the upcoming moose season.

Fish, Hunt & Ride Magazine – Summer issue now available!


Hey all you hunters, fisherfolk and ATV enthusiasts out there, the Summer issue of Fish, Hunt & Ride is finally here, fresh off the press and it’s bigger and better all the time!

Now available at more than 200 Outlets across eastern Ontario, Western Quebec and the Laurentians, our exciting new edition features all the summertime action you can shake a stick at.

FHR Magazine celebrates the return of Ontario Spring bear hunt with cover story featuring our columnist ‘Uncle’ Ted Nugent’s trip to Wawa earlier this Spring! We also welcome our new Columnist, well know angler and professional fishing guide; Jamie Pistilli!

You can pick up your copy of FHR in such places as; Barry’s Bay, Killaloe, Forrester’s Falls, Golden Lake and Madawaska up the Ottawa Valley, and across in the Pontiac at Fort Colounge, Gracefield, Low and all points in-between. We even have FHR Magazine available at a number of roadside boxes around town.

For more information on where to find an Outlet near you or to read the latest issue online, check out our website;

Please stop by our Facebook Page as well and let us know what you think of the new issue:

I hope everyone is enjoying a great summer so far?!









National Fishing Week is all about the kids

With Canada’s National Fishing Week (NFW) well under way, our lakes and rivers will be inundated this week with anglers bursting with National pride. The goal of NFW is to promote the renewable recreational activity we call sport fishing and to get young people involved. Veteran anglers are encouraged to offer those new to the sport a chance to cast a line and discover the excitement of angling. It is time to pack up the kids, dust off the old rod and reel and make tracks for the nearest honey hole. The best part about is that until this Sunday, July 10, you do not even require a fishing license to participate. For more information on National Fishing Week, check out:

Family time at Orlando’s Discovery Cove

Despite recent setbacks, the City of Orlando remains as one of the world’s top family vacation destinations. We have visited so many times we consider it as a second home and even today with my daughters in their mid-teens, our interest in Orlando vacations has not wavered. For anyone who hasn’t been there and is wondering about things to do, the 2016 Trip Advisor Travellers’ Choice Award winner is a little slice of heaven known as Discovery Cove.  Having spent the day there back in December; I can tell you this place came by its accolades honestly. Outdoor enthusiasts are in heaven interacting with dolphins, snorkeling in crystal-clear waters with exotic fish all around you, or hand feeding tropical birds in the free-flight aviary. Relaxing with my wife and daughters in the beauty and spender of this paradise was something to behold and to be treated to all-inclusive meals, with equipment provided throughout the day, was an added bonus. We were feeling quite melancholy when our adventure was done but departed with memories to last a lifetime. During your next Orlando-area family vacation, be sure to visit:

Ford Explorer fun

Ford’s 2016 Explorer Platinum I road-tested during a fishing trip to my hunt camp in the Laurentians this spring, made an already great adventure even better and certainly more luxurious. The sophisticated new Explorer Platinum SUV comes with what Ford calls; intelligent four-wheel-drive and sophisticated Terrain Management System, which responds and reacts to road conditions in the blink of an eye. The system monitors such parameters as throttle position, wheel speed and even steering wheel angle making my mountainous off-road adventure a thing of beauty. Many of the roads around camp have been torn-up by recent logging activity yet all the ruts and holes were no match for this ‘Top Shelf’ luxury beast. Thanks to Melissa Wood of National Public Relations for the opportunity of trying out this awesome vehicle. For more info on the 2016 Ford Explorer Platinum:

Fish, Hunt & Ride summer issue

Get ready fellow hunting, fishing and riding aficionados, the summer issue of everyone’s favourite new magazine is about to go into circulation. All those wonderful off-the-beaten path locales up the valley and across the river in the Pontiac will soon be stocked full with the latest offering of Fish, Hunt & Ride magazine. Our summer issue celebrates Ontario’s reinstatement of the black spring bear season with hunting adventures penned by several FHR columnists’ including ‘Uncle’ Ted Nugent. Add to that more fishing, riding and hunting coverage than you can shake a stick at and you’ve got Ontario and Quebec’s most comprehensive publication. Please check-out our website for an outlet near you:

Bear awareness this summer

Be aware that black bears are attracted to any food source and in areas where berries and natural forage are not available, they will eat whatever they can get including pet food, compost and even garbage. Bears will also return to food sources they remember from last year so be mindful when spending time in bear country. Although encounters are rare they do occur, so be sure to keep your wits about you this summer. If you have a nuisance animal around your property, report it immediately to the MNRF Pembroke: 613-732-3661.

Bass fishing just around the corner

Avid bass angler Randy Rosenthal with a nice 'smallie' caught in a secret lake somewhere in the Ottawa Valley.

Avid bass angler Randy Rosenthal with a nice largemouth caught in a secret lake somewhere in the Ottawa Valley.

The Genus Micropterus season might be the last fishing season to open each spring, but with a growing list of devotees’ bass remain one of the most popular sport fish.

Each year, the largemouth and smallmouth bass season in Fisheries Management Zone (FMZ) 15 gets underway the fourth Saturday in June, two weeks later than other sport fish. From a conservation standpoint, a later season allows for warm water smallmouth and largemouth to complete the spawn, and also for young bass to mature so they may fend for themselves. Other species like walleye and trout play no real role in guarding of the eggs so their seasons always open earlier in the spring. Anyone who fishes the Ottawa River, otherwise known as the Fisheries Management Zone (FMZ) 12, may start bass fishing next Friday – one day before the rest of the Ottawa Valley. If anyone’s looking for me next weekend, I’ll be in Cobden searching for old bucket mouth.

Big bass event

Speaking of bass, the Lefaivre Lions Club is holding their annual Open Bass Tournament on the Ottawa River next Saturday, June 25th from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. With thousands of dollars in cash and prizes up for grabs, the town’s Open Bass Tournament has garnered the attention of anglers from across the region and beyond. The Lefaivre Lions Club hosted its very first Annual Open Bass Tournament back in 1993, and here we are more than two decades later and the event is bigger than ever. Registration is $200 per boat (team of two) plus $20 for the big fish prize.

Cougar sightings on the rise

No sooner had I completed my interview with an Ottawa area news website regarding the recent cougar sightings in our region than all hell broke loose in the cougar world. An extremely credible report arrived in my ‘Outdoors Guy Inbox’ from Kington-area veterinarian doctor Brian Overgaard, who claims to have spotted several big cats near his home over the years, include one that darted across a trail in front of him on June 11 in the nearby town of Bath. Overgaard went on to tell me about the first big cat he encountered back in 2013. “There was no doubt that it was a cougar, it was a large cat with a long tail,” Overgaard said.

“He (cougar) hung around for several days because more tracks appeared in the deep snow”

Over the years I have received more than 100 reported cougar sightings, in several ‘hotbed’ areas of Ontario and Quebec. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry continues to dismiss the presence of big cats despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

There are far too many eye-witness accounts each month, in my opinion, to all be as the result of escaped captive cougars. If only funding was available for research and a full-scale investigation. If you should happen to see a cougar in your area please drop me a line:

National Fishing Week coming in July

The goal of National Fishing Week (NFW) is to introduce anglers to this special activity we call sport fishing. Between July 2 and 10 everyone in Canada is encouraged to plan a fishing day at your nearest stream, pond, river or lake. To remind folks of the recreational value of our freshwater fishery, the Ontario government waves the fishing licence requirement for that week each summer. Anglers without a licence must still abide by the limits set out in the conservation permit and all other regulations remain enforced. For more information:

Deer tag deadline looming

Even though the deer season is still several months away, hunters are watching the calendar closely with the antlerless deer tag validation draw closing on June 30. There are three application methods available although your chances at a tag remain the same, whether you apply by telephone, Internet or at a Service Ontario outlet. To apply over the phone call 1-800-288-1155 but remember that if you have already purchased your regular deer license, you’ll not be permitted to enter the draw this way, and must apply either online or visit a Service Ontario outlet. For more information:

Anglers excited about pike and walleye

Jeff Morrison with a decent early-season northern pike he caught in Cobden.
Valley anglers in search of northern pike and walleye have been out in full force with both species now fair game in Fisheries Management Zone (FMZ) 15. Be sure to check the rules and regulations before hitting the water this weekend! Where length limits apply, anglers should measure their catch carefully, and any fish caught must also be kept whole so it can be measured by a conservation officer. If you should accidentally catch another species for which the season is still closed, it must be immediately (and safely) returned to the water. FMZ 15 is a very large Zone covering much of northeastern Ontario, extending eastward to the Ottawa River, south to Arnprior, north to Deux Rivieres and west across all of Algonquin Park to Parry Sound. Best of luck in all your northern pike and walleye endeavours. I am hoping to land a few myself this weekend in Cobden. Early season northern pike offer great table fare too with four to five pounders being the best eating size in my opinion.

Conserving trout

When it came to brook trout, in my younger days it was always felt that ‘a fish caught was a fish kept’ but it doesn’t need to be that way anymore. To safely release a brook trout requires patience and a soft touch at canoe or boat-side. Barbless hooks and a good set of long-nosed pliers are a must. To witness a beautiful brook trout swimming away after a nice battle is an incredible feeling. Sure, you can keep enough smaller fish to bring home but doing your part for conservation will surely pay off in the end. If you had asked me 15 years ago about letting a two to three pound brook trout go, I probably would have laughed. Practising conservation of the species requires self-control but offers copious long-term reward.

Bear hunt across the river

With all the hubbub around pike and pickerel, don’t forgot about the spring bear hunt across the river which also got under way this past weekend. Hunters need ‘bear’ in mind that in certain sectors of the Outaouais the season closes on June 15, two weeks earlier than for rest of the province which allows bear hunting until June 30. With the month of June fast approaching, the once cautious animals will have become accustomed to feeding regularly at bait sites, and with the onset of mating season, adult males’ travel extensively in search of a mate. Both of these factors will have a positive effect on a hunter’s success rate. For more information on bear hunting across the river, contact Tourism Quebec: 1 877 BONJOUR (266-5687).

Fish, Hunt & Ride magazine spring issue

The spring issue of Fish, Hunt & Ride magazine is now available at over 130 outlets across eastern Ontario and Western Quebec FREE of charge. Our exciting new issue features black bear, spring trout, steelhead, turkey filming, ATV events, shed antler hunting, fly-fishing tips, an interview with ‘Uncle’ Ted Nugent and more. Pick up your copy of FHR in such towns as Barry’s Bay, Killaloe, Forresters Falls, Golden Lake and Madawaska up the Ottawa Valley, and across in the Pontiac, at Fort Colounge, Gracefield and Low. In Pembroke, look for copies available at Pembroke Esso, Suny’s, Bee Line Wreckers and more, or in Petawawa at Petawawa Guns and Petawawa Pizza. For more information on where to find an outlet near you, check out our website:

Fish, Hunt & Ride Magazine – Spring issue is here!


All those hunters, anglers and ATV enthusiasts awaiting the arrival of the Region’s favourite new magazine with baited breath, need wait no further!

The spring issue of Fish, Hunt & Ride is finally here, fresh off the press and it’s bigger and better than ever!!

Now available at over 130 Outlets across eastern Ontario and Western Quebec FREE of charge, our exciting new edition features black bear, spring trout, steelhead, turkey filming, ATV events, shed antler hunting, fly-fishing tips, an informative Q&A interview with our columnist Ted Nugent and way more.

This week you can pick up your copy of FHR in such towns as; Barry’s Bay, Killaloe, Forrester’s Falls, Golden Lake and Madawaska up the Ottawa Valley, and across in the Pontiac at Fort Colounge, Gracefield, Low and all points in-between. I’ll also be delivering a bundle to my hometown of Arundel, QC, at the Arundel Provision’s store!

I know for a fact there are a whackload of FHR – Spring issue sitting at SAIL as it tends to be the first drop-off spot during Distribution.

For more information on where to find an Outlet near you, check out our newly revamped website;

You may also read our Spring issue online:

Please stop by our Facebook Page as well and let us know what you think of the new issue:









Turkey hunters out in full force

My Pembroke column is out in today’s paper for readers up the valley, or online for everyone else:

Daily Observer columnist Jeff Morrison offers up his take on the great outdoors.

Daily Observer columnist Jeff Morrison offers up his take on the great outdoors.      


With Monday’s kick-off to the province’s wild turkey season, gobbler enthusiasts across the Ottawa Valley will be in hot pursuit of beards and spurs.

For thousands of wild turkey hunters next Monday (April 25th) marks the beginning of another coveted spring gobbler season. Thanks to successful reintroduction programs dating back 30 years ago, wild turkey populations across the province have reached sustainable levels. As we have witnessed over the past few years, there are more bird sightings than ever in the valley and around eastern Ontario, and the hunt is improving each spring. The glorious gobbler has evolved into one of the most prolific and tastiest games species around, so you had better get used to them!

Remember that it is illegal to pursue turkeys within 400 meters of any place where bait has been deposited, unless the place has been bait-free for at least one week. Bait is described as corn, wheat, oats or any other feed that may attract wild turkey or any imitation of such feed. Standing crops, crops stacked in accordance with normal farming practices and grain scattered as a result of normal farming operations are not considered bait. Following the rules is part of the game and it would be a shame to ruin a great hunt by pushing your luck.

Good luck to all the gobbler gurus’ out there and feel free to drop me a line with news from your area.

Fish, Hunt & Ride Mag, spring issue coming

Hunters, anglers and all-terrain enthusiasts await the arrival of the region’s favourite new magazine with baited breath. The spring issue of Fish, Hunt & Ride is just around the corner and, trust me; it’s bigger and better than ever. Now available at over 130 outlets across Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec FREE of charge, our exciting new issue features black bear, spring trout, steelhead, turkey filming, ATV events, shed antler hunting, fly-fishing tips,  an informative interview with Ted Nugent and much more. By the end of the month you can pick up your copy of FHR in such towns as Barry’s Bay, Killaloe, Forrester’s Falls, Golden Lake and Madawaska up the Ottawa Valley, and across in the Pontiac,  Fort Colounge, Gracefield, Low and all points in-between. For more information on where to find an outlet near you, check out our newly revamped website:

Sportsmen Bragging Board

For truly patient sportsmen there is nothing more gratifying than a fulfilled adventure afield. Whether enjoying time in the woods or on the water with family and friends or out on your own, hunting and fishing adventures are among our most cherished memories. (Mine anyway.) One thing I’ve noticed all hunters and fishermen have in common is the excitement of sharing photographs – be they a traditional ‘grip and grin’ image of a big fish or a prized game animal, or more obscure items of interest in the ‘Great Outdoors.’ One time I snapped a photo of a mink, just as it ran across my hunting boot! I am looking for some of the best and most original photos captured a during hunting or fishing trip, for two Sportsmen Bragging Boards I’m working on: one here in the Pembroke Daily Observer and another one for FHR Mag. If you have some neat images you wish to share with thousands of like-minded individuals, please send them to me by email <> along with a caption.

Being bear safe

When travelling in bear country this spring, be sure to keep your wits about you. When portaging up north during the trout season I always carry a can of bear spray and, although I’ve never used it, it is always at the ready! Statistics show there are a dozen or so bear attack attacks in North America each year, and some of them don’t end well. Bear spray can be purchased at local hunting and fishing stores and, keep in mind, that there may be some paperwork to fill-out. Bear spray will provide a bit of extra insurance when travelling in bear country this spring.