Fish, Hunt & Ride Magazine, Spring issue around the corner


Ok all you hunting, fishing and riding aficionados out there, get ready for the next exciting issue of everyone’s favourite new publication;

Fish, Hunt & Ride magazine!!

Later this month, readers will be treated to more than DOUBLE the articles, news, interviews, tips and coverage of our Launch issue earlier this winter.  Our FHR Writing Team has expanded as well to include 4 new columnists; each one an expert in the areas of ATV/All-terrain vehicles, Fishing, Firearms and Shed Antler Hunting.

Our original line-up of writers which includes ‘Uncle’ Ted Nugent, delved sooooo deeply into the Ontario & Quebec Great Outdoors this time, they barely managed to dig themselves out!

Our distribution has also expanded to include dozens of new convenient outlets around town and far off-the-beaten-path into the Upper Ottawa Valley and Outaouais Region. We’re getting FHR Mag out to more than 130 Outlets now, to the folks who can best be described as  the ‘Diehards’ or, as our Francophone friends refer to as; ‘Nemrods’!  Hoards of new hunters, fishers and riders have also taken-to FHR of late which is encouraging to say the least.

Thanks to all those who made our magazine an instant and overwhelming success – one that (if I do say so myself) is quickly becoming the best magazine the entire Region has to offer! (Its the one I like the best anyway)

I ask you, how can you go wrong with a Team of individuals who live, breathe, love and defend our hunting and fishing heritage until their dying day. And I say that without a word of a lie! (How’s that for dramatic)

So whilst waiting patiently for our Spring issue to arrive at local outlets, do yourself a favour and check-out our newly revamped website:

 To borrow a line from our pal Uncle Ted, this spring we want you all to Fish, Hunt & Ride like you mean it!!


Jeff Morrison

*Editor-in-Chief | Fish, Hunt & Ride Magazine

Reaching 125,000-200,000 readers each season, every issue.


Trout or turkey, what be your pleasure?

Its Fins or feathers, folks???

Early Spring generally falls into two main categories for area sportsmen:

1) Trout



2) Or turkey



What be your pleasure? They’re both mere weeks away(even though it doesn’t feel like it)!!



Outdoor & Travel Adventure Show this weekend – stop by FHR booth!

Hearing the familiar thump of the first ruffed grouse of the season, or catching a glimpse of the first wild garlic leaf poking its head up from the forest floor, are tell tale signs that a new season is afoot. Another sure sign of spring is the annual Outdoor and Travel Adventure Show, coming this weekend to Ottawa’s EY Centre!

Celebrating its fifth year, the Outdoor and Travel Adventure Show blasts-off this Saturday and Sunday at EY Centre. Organized by the team from the region’s two best magazines – Ottawa Outdoors and Fish, Hunt & Ride, the show will feature tons of outdoor services, gear and apparel, exhibitors and outdoor travel accommodations and even lodges. Come check out the Adventure Stage where you’ll hear tips from camping and canoeing experts like Kevin Callan and Becky Mason. And if that isn’t enough to entice, be sure stop-by the Fish, Hunt & Ride magazine booth where yours truly and a handful of FHR columnists will be stationed. (Just look for the camouflage clothing.) My FHR Team and I will be handing out magazines and chatting with readers about all things fishing, hunting or riding-related. I look forward also to speaking with Blake Corbin of Renfrew’s Valley Heritage Radio (98.7 FM) who will be stopping-by the booth to do an interview. For more information on this weekend’s show:

Ice-fishing draws to a close

The annual March 31th ice-hut removal date seems almost pointless this year since huts have surely all have been removed by now. Or at least I hope they have! Folks in Pembroke legally have until the end of the month to haul their huts away, but remember that anyone who has not removed their ice hut is in violation of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act and could face charges. By all accounts, this winter fishing season will be remembered as one of the shortest on record.

FHR and Valley Vendor

First off, I’d like to give a shout-out to Clarence Shires, Leonard Kubisheski and all the other fine folks up in Round Lake! Clarence and a group of area ice-fishermen were having trouble tracking down copies of the new – Fish, Hunt & Ride Magazine, but not anymore! I am pleased to report that we have now teamed-up with the Valley Vendor for magazine distribution, which will scatter the coveted FHR mags like buckshot throughout the Ottawa Valley and Pontiac. There are even a dozen or so distribution sites in Pembroke itself including Perkins, Pembroke Esso and Suny’s Variety. Our upcoming spring issue will be more than twice the size of the fall/winter offering and should be available mid-April. If you’re into ATV’s, black bears, fly-fishing, wild turkey, trout or are interested in the frank Q&A interview I did with ‘Uncle’ Ted Nugent, be sure to check it out! For more information:

Great Outdoors Trivia – Final Question

Okay outdoor trivia buffs, here is the final question in this year’s Great Outdoors Trivia Contest. The first person to correctly answer all three questions will receive a prize package courtesy of Brecks fishing tackle and Tinks hunting scents. Question #3: In 1984, the Province of Ontario received 274 wild turkeys in exchange for river otters, moose, geese and partridge. Where did these turkeys come from? Was it A) Europe B) United States C) Quebec D) Manitoba or E) Asia ? Please send all three trivia answers to:

Column Anniversary

This month marks the third glorious year for this outdoors column and I would like to thank managing editor Anthony Dixon and assistant news editor Tina Peplinskie for being perhaps the best editorial staff I’ve ever worked for. Sharing my love and appreciation for the great outdoors with readers each month is something I take seriously. Thanks also to the hunters and fishermen of the Ottawa Valley for your support over the years and hey, maybe I’ll see you around Cobden or Pembroke this summer!

Maple Syrup season, a sure sign of spring!

I have spent more years than I can recall working the sugar bush, times etched clearly in my memory..not easy work, mind you, but extremely rewarding and downright tasty!

Running the sap lines, repairing breaks, tapping, watching the evaporator, taking-off syrup and running the old creaky canner. The whole operation was a hoot right down to the moment when that first batch of syrup comes off…man, it tastes the best when its warm!

There is a real science involved in any maple syrup operation from understanding the sap’s sugar content at various times of the year, knowing the colour, taste and density of different grades of syrup, to skills like understanding how to build and maintain the perfect fire to keep your evaporator going steady.

Old school syrup producers have never used modern gauges and I’m sure never worried about it either. They can read more in the webbing off their ladle than a thousand sophisticated gauges could ever that is science in itself.

The final product is a thing of beauty and there is really nothing in the world that compares to the taste of fresh maple syrup or taffy on snow.

Now get out there and enjoy some pure Canadian goodness!!

The forecast looks good for sap to run over the next week or so and lets hope favorable temperatures remain long enough for a great season!



Cabela's – World's Foremost Outfitter, coming in September!

Submitted photo<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<br><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
The Outdoors Guy columnist Jeff Morrison is looking forward to the fall opening of the Cabela's store in Kanata.

The Outdoors Guy Jeff Morrison is looking forward to the fall opening of the Cabela’s store in Kanata.


Those ice-fishing enthusiasts who braved the bitter cold this weekend got to take-part in a special annual event.

Family Fishing Weekend is a province-wide initiative celebrating the sport of winter angling without the otherwise mandatory fishing license. About eight years ago it was decided that a festive winter fishing weekend would be adopted to mirror National Fishing Week events during the summer. And hey, just because Family Fishing Weekend is behind us doesn’t mean ice fishing is done for the year. The recent cold snap and blast of winter weather has likely ensured several more weeks of safe and solid winter angling!

Outdoor Travel & Adventure Show – March 19-20, 2016 (EY Centre, Ottawa)

If you have not already done so, be sure to mark off the weekend of March 19-20 on your calendars for the 5th Annual Outdoor Travel & Adventure Show, being held at the EY Centre. If ever there was a show worth motoring down the Ottawa Valley at high speeds for, it is this one. Organized by the team from two magazines [Ottawa Outdoors (OOM) and Fish, Hunt & Ride (FHR)] the show features tons of outdoor services, gear and apparel exhibitors and outdoor travel accommodations and lodges. Come check out the 40 foot Demo Pool, an Action Theatre featuring a wide variety of adventure videos. And on the Adventure Stage, you’ll hear tips from camping and canoeing experts like Kevin Callan and Becky Mason, as well other fishing experts and many more. And if that isn’t enough to entice you, be sure to stop by the Fish, Hunt & Ride Magazine Booth featuring yours truly and a few of my columnists. My FHR writing team and I will be handing out magazines and chatting with readers about all things fishing, hunting or riding-related. For more information: visit I hope to see you all on March 19!

Cabela’s –World’s Foremost Outfitter, making progress in Ottawa

I was excited this weekend to see noticeable progress being made with the new 275,000 sq ft Taggart development, which includes a Cabela’s ‘anchor’ store, located just across the road from the Tanger Outlets in Kanata. The mammoth new hunting, fishing and camping retail space is slated to open this September, much to the excitement of hordes of local sportsmen. The new Cabela’s is said to include a staggering $1 million worth of taxidermy, and is expected to hire 175 full-time and part-time employees, most of whom will be from Ottawa-area, according a recent press release. If you’re around during store opening this fall, Cabela’s Pro Staffer and Fish, Hunt & Ride columnist Amanda Lynn Mayhew will be on site to usher in the new facility. What an exciting fall it’s going to be for Ottawa sportsmen! For more info on Fish, Hunt & Ride magazine:

Great Outdoors Trivia – Question #2

Alright fellow outdoor trivia buffs, here is question number two in the 2016 Great Outdoors Trivia Contest. The first person to correctly answer all three questions will receive a prize package courtesy of Brecks fishing tackle and Tinks hunting Scents. Question #2: In the January Outdoors Guy column, I advised winters anglers NOT to venture out on the ice with Snowmobile or ATV until there was a solid layer of how much ice?? Was it A) 1 inch of ice B) 3 inches of ice C) 4 inches of ice D) 5 inches of ice or E) No ice is required. Be sure to keep track of your answers and send them to: The third and final question in this year’s contest will be right here in March, in its usual spot the third Thursday of the month. Y’all come back now, ya hear!

Quebec brochure now available

For anyone planning a trip to Quebec this year, the 2016 hunting and fishing brochure is now available. With a full rating system, facilities breakdown and sporting opportunities, the hunting, fishing and lodging brochure is a handy guide for non-resident sportsmen. Contact Tourism Quebec Tourism at: 1 (877) BONJOUR 

Ontario's Family Fishing Weekend coming up!

 Photo courtesy of Jeff Morrison<br /><br /><br /><br />
Avid winter angler Grant Bailey with a nice walleye pulled through the ice.

Ice-fishing enthusiasts are  heading into one of the busiest weekends of the season, as Ontario residents will be out enjoying the merits of Family Fishing Weekend – a province-wide initiative celebrating the sport of winter angling and without the otherwise mandatory fishing licence.

Eight years ago, the Ontario Government decided that a festive winter fishing weekend would be adopted to mirror National Fishing Week events during the summer. An Ontario Fishing License is not required Feb 13-15

For all those headed out on the hard top this weekend, play safe and have fun!

For more information on this great initiative:



Ottawa Boat & Sportsmen's Show – Trivia for FREE Tickets!



Come Celebrate the Ottawa Boat and Sportsmen’s Show – and win Free tickets from the Outdoors Guy!!

Starting February 18th and running to the 21st, the Ottawa Boat and Sportsmen’s Show will turn the EY Centre  into a boating and outdoor enthusiast’s paradise.

Would you like to win FREE passes to the SHOW?

One set of four(4) SHOW passes will be awarded each week, for the next FOUR weeks, to those who correctly answer my weekly Trivia Question.


Check-out some of the Show highlights:


  • Husqvarna’s West Coast Chainsaw ArtistMake sure to carve out some time for Kevin Lewis, the incredible chainsaw artist from Comox Valley, British Columbia. Watch as he skillfully flicks his roaring chainsaws to create stunning works of art and be amazed at the attention to detail. You may even get the chance to take one of these exquisite masterpieces home with you,  as select works will be available for purchase.


  • Speaking of Wildlife Get up close and personal with some of Ontario’s magnificent wildlife. Delivering hands-on wildlife education since 1989, the organization’s friendly and knowledgeable staff will deliver programs that are both enlightening and entertaining.


  • 2016 Casting Pond Challenge – One of the most anticipated events of the show, the casting pond is for  everyone!  Rookie or veteran, novice or pro, can test their skills to win a prize. After taking the challenge, learn a few fishing tips from “Big Jim” McLaughlin and some of Canada’s premier anglers.


  • Stay Clear, Stay Safe –  Ontario Power Generation (OPG) will teach you how to stay safe around hydroelectric stations and dams in Ontario on Saturday, Feb. 20. Visitors will each be given a water safety bag to help make their next trip out on the water a safe one.


For complete show information visit:


TRIVIA QUESTION #1: (For a set of FREE tickets to this year’s Ottawa Boat & Sportsmen’s Show)

Image result for Amanda Lynn Mayhew

What is the name of the famous huntress pictured above?

Hint: Not only is this gal the Official Ambassador of the Toronto Sportsmen’s Show and a Cabela’s pro-staff member, she is also one of my featured columnists in the new local publication; Fish, Hunt & Ride magazine (

Is her name a) Eva Shockey b) Amanda Lynn Mayhew c) Colleen Brown or d) Danielle Bergen

CONGRATULATIONS TO IAN MACDONALD, WHO ANSWERED CORRECTLY WITH B) AMANDA LYNN MAYHEW – Ian will receive two FREE passes to the show. (btw anyone who had taken note of my hint and gone into the answer was right there)



TRIVIA QUESTION #2: (For another set of FREE tickets to this year’s Ottawa Boat & Sportsmen’s Show)

Who is North America’s only completely Blind Fishing Pro, who will be appearing at that year’s Ottawa Boat & Sportsmen’s Show to discuss new techniques and equipment. (The same man will also be writing an article for my Spring issue of Fish, Hunt & Ride Magazine:

Is it  a) Wiarton Willie  b) Lawrence Gunther c) “Big Jim” McLaughlin or d) Kevin Lewis

The first person to email the correct answer to me ( will win a set of passes to this year’s show.


CONGRATULATIONS TO Neil Lachance – WHO WAS THE FIRST PERSON TO ANSWER QUESTION #2 CORRECTLY – B) Lawrence Gunther – Neil receives two FREE passes to the show and will surely be to stopping-by the Anglers’ Village, run by Lawrence!


TRIVIA QUESTION #3: (For another  set of FREE passes to this year’s Ottawa Boat & Sportsmen’s Show)

The following fishing organization is NOT a member of the this year’s Ottawa Boat & Sportsmen Show Anglers Village?

Is it  a) Muskie’s Canada – Ottawa Chapter  b) Blind Fishing Boat c) Blue Fish Radio d) Ottawa Regional Walleye League e) Ottawa Valley South Bassmasters  f) Ontario Women Anglers  g) Feel the Bite or h) InFisherman television


CONGRATULATIONS TO Nigel Gocan – WHO WAS THE FIRST PERSON TO ANSWER QUESTION #3 CORRECTLY – h) InFisherman Television – Nigel receives two FREE passes to the show and will, no doubt, be to stopping-by the Anglers’ Village!



TRIVIA QUESTION #4: (For the final set of FREE passes to this year’s Ottawa Boat & Sportsmen’s Show)

What mega hunting, fishing & camping retailer known as the World’s Foremost Outfitter, is set to open its doors in Kanata this September? 

Is it  a) Dick’s Sporting Goods  b) Bass Pro Shop c) Gander Mountain or d) Cabela’s 


GONGRATULATIONS GOES TO Julie Lavoie – Who was the first person to answer Question #4 correctly – d) Cabela’s -World’s Largest Outfitter, is coming to Kanata in September.

Julie will receive the final two FREE passes to the show this weekend!


Thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s Outdoor Trivia Contest for Tickets to the Ottawa Boat & Sportsmen’s Show! Don’t forget once this weekend’s show is over to check-out the 5th Annual – OUTDOOR + TRAVEL ADVENTURE SHOW coming to the EY Centre March 19-20.

Be sure to stop by and visit the Fish, Hunt & Ride Magazine booth, where my Team and I will be handing out magazines and chatting with local hunters, fishermen and riders! For more information:







Great Escape Lodge – Autumn Getaway


My mini vacation this past November at the Great Escape Lodge turned out to be just what the doctor ordered!



The Great Escape Lodge and Indoor Waterpark is a 200-room family suite lodge; featuring a 38,000 square foot indoor water park with attractions designed to make every age group smile.



From the moment I walked in to the rustically elegant Adirondack-inspired lobby, to the moment I checked-out, I felt pampered by all the great amenities this four-storey resort had to offer.


The warmth of natural stone, wood and earth tones throughout the common rooms and family suites made me feel right at home, as if on another outdoor adventure.


The hallways, gift shop, snack bar and even the restaurant were reminiscent of the many top hunting & fishing lodges I have visited over the years.



The Family suites, like the one we stayed in, were comfortable and roomy, and maintain the Adirondack cabin theme nicely with framed nature images and well-appointed wood trim around every turn.

Every room in the Great Escape Lodge includes a refrigerator, microwave oven, coffee maker & coffee, sitting area, iron/ironing board and free Wi-Fi.



The Lodge’s indoor water park, aptly named White Water Bay, really is a destination on its own, and the millions of gallons of warm soothing water all around gave the sense of being at a lush tropical resort.





The lazy river was more my speed. I must have gone around 5 dozen times or more, undoubtedly, with a smile on my face each and every time.



This perfectly-sized waterpark offered a nice balance between, what I would call, younger kid attractions and older kid attractions. The upper portion is where the younger enthusiasts hang-out, while down below is more for teens and adults.




Conveniently located in the heart of New York’s Adirondack Mountains, the town of Lake George has plenty to offer in the way of restaurants and shopping as well.  I was in my culinary element with tasty meals to be had at my favourite US restaurant chains – Golden Corral and Applebee’s.

All in all, my time spent at the Great Escape Lodge served as the perfect autumn getaway.  Thanks to Jessica Hansen, and all the staff at this terrific family resort, for ensuring we had a great time.




For more information:



Ice fishing season arrives, better late than never

Jeff Morrison, The Outdoors Guy, says that a minimum 5” of solid ice is needed for snowmobiles or ATV’s while 8” – 12” is required to adequately support a car or small truck.

(A minimum 5” of solid ice is needed for snowmobiles or ATV’s while 8” – 12” is required to adequately support a car or small truck.)

With this year’s winter angling season slowly getting under way, cold weather enthusiasts are being reminded that safety should always come first.

After some snowmobiles plunged through the ice recently, winter anglers who ventured out on the hard top this month need tell someone where they will be fishing, and when they plan to return. Appropriate clothing and equipment are also vital to safety and comfort. Some winter fishermen prefer survival suits and should carry a set of ice picks, while others go to the extent of using modified ice vehicles with the doors removed, in case of an untimely plunge. Ok, so tearing the doors off your car may sound extreme but the point is well taken. Please remember the rule that ice does not freeze at a uniform thickness, especially NOW at the start of the winter season where near-shore ice is undoubtedly thicker than ice further out.

Go catch those big ones this winter but for goodness sake be careful out there!

Negligent dog owners

A reminder to dog owners who allow Fido to run wild in the deer woods during wintertime, their actions can be devastating for whitetail populations at a fragile time of year. Conservation Officers must deal with feral animals each winter and, in case you did not know, are authorized to destroy any dogs observed chasing or injuring deer in areas where herds gather for the winter. Penalties for allowing your animal to be at large during the closed season for deer, range anywhere from $155 up to $25,000. With the high density of coyotes in our region it is also in your dog’s best interest to remain under wraps during the winter months.

Farewell to Alfred

Although I never met Mr. Alfred Beck, I feel as though I knew and understood the man on a deeper level. Prior to my becoming the Outdoors Guy with this publication that responsibility and honour was all Alfred’s. You may not know this but it is actually Mr. Beck’s writings that brought me to the Daily Observer three years ago. The man was a consummate outdoorsman, hunter and conservationist and possessed one attribute I quite envied – a vast life experience!  After moving to Canada in the early 60’s, Beck quickly made this new country his home. Some of us were aware that his Germany was a country that enjoyed game hunting; however, few of us knew it was activity reserved mostly for the country’s elite. Alfred discovered quickly his new homeland in Canada boasted a plethora of natural resources, and he shared much of his experiences afield within the pages of this paper.

Thank you Mr. Beck for all that you brought to the sportsmen of the Ottawa Valley, may you continue to pursue your elusive wild game in the Great Hereafter.

Pembroke fish stocking!

A special thanks to Pembroke MNRF’s Resource Supervisor, Karen Handford, for the recent heads-up on a new tool which replaces the annual Pembroke District Fish Stocking Program. Instead of having to request the list of Valley lakes teaming with juvenile brook trout, rainbows, browns or splake, the MNRF have set-up a new page in this regard. The same information is now available as a digital map and printable summary. Check out the following site:

Great Outdoors Trivia – Question #1

Put your thinking caps on people, here is question # 1 in the 2016 Great Outdoors Trivia Contest. The first person to correctly answer all three questions wins a prize package courtesy of Brecks fishing tackle and Tinks hunting Scents. Question #1: Yours truly is Editor-in-Chief of an exciting new seasonal hunting & fishing magazine called A) Fish & Hunt Ottawa B) Valley Outdoor Life C) Outdoors Guy Quarterly or D) Fish, Hunt & Ride. Keep track of your answers and send them to: .


Dogs a hazard for wintering deer

Winter weather(regardless how severe) is tough on white-tailed deer populations and domestic dogs on the loose will only exacerbate the situation. (Don’t get me wrong I am a huge dog lover, but I agree that man’s best friend has no place in the wild pestering the whitetail herd)

You may recall my story from a few winters past where a barking howl of a animal in my back field broke the early morning silence. At first I thought it was a coyote but the distinctive domestic canine sound reverberated.


One of my neighbour’s dogs had apparently gotten loose and was chasing deer through my backfield!! My heart sank as I knew the implications.

The deer I was feeding at the time included an orphaned fawn and a buck with a bad leg (pictured above) were not seen again for more than a week.

I never did locate that pestering dog, but evidently it really put the run on my deer, as the lame buck finally returned to the feeder limping worse than I’d ever seen. He could barely walk at this point.

Less than 3 weeks later that same buck could walk no more and the Ottawa Police were called-in to have it put down.

The incident is a reminder of why we MUST control our pets, especially during wintertime.

Pet owners who allow their animals to run wild -regardless of the breed – are NOT ONLY breaking the law, their actions can be devastating for deer at a fragile time of year. MNRF Conservation Officers deal with belligerent pet-owners every winter and are authorized to destroy any dogs seen chasing or injuring deer in areas where herds gather for the winter.

Penalties for allowing your dog to be at large during the closed season for deer, range from $155 up to $25,000. 

Both domestic and feral dogs can create undue stress for whitetails as they gather in yards for protection. At this time of year, when deer subsist largely off fat reserves, the simple act of running through deep snow for long periods can drain much needed energy reserves, and leave the animals unable to cope with cold winter temperatures.

Winter stress is also directly proportional to the health of fawns born in the spring.

Should you witness any dogs on the loose in your area, please call 1-877-TIPS-MNRF (613) 847-7667 toll-free any time.
