Canadian Hunting Shows Christmas to remember



(Beasley bros with good reason to smile)


It will be a Christmas to remember this year for at least three Canadian Hunting Shows!

The Canadian Tradition, Canada in the Rough and Angler & Hunter Television have all found new homes for the 2013 broadcast season.

Thanks to Bob Valcov of Safari Club International (SCI) and Mike Pollington of Pollington Productions (producer of The Canadian Tradition) for sharing with me the best Christmas news imaginable.

It seems even the Grinch himself (AKA Global Television) couldn’t stop Christmas from coming this year. Rogers -owned Outdoor Life Network (OLN) and SUN TV are among the  Networks stepping- up to the plate this coming year, and God Bless them I say!

“When Global announced their unfortunate decision we recognized that this was going to change the game in Canada.” said Kevin Beasley, Co-Host of Canada in the Rough.

Some excellent coverage coming-up for Canada in the Rough specifically as it will now be found on The Sportsman Channel in the United States and on the following networks in Canada: OLN (Outdoor Life Network), Sun News, WildTV, CHEX, Ch12 Durham, CKWS, and for the first time ever, Canada in the Rough will be translated into French and aired on RDS (owned by Bell Media) for the francophone viewers.

Let me be the first to congratulate all those Network execs who made the personal decision to air these shows for 2013. I call this a major win for the good guys and a real step in the right direction!

No word yet on the remaining 2 hunting shows affected by the cancellation, but I have my fingers crossed!



15 Replies to “Canadian Hunting Shows Christmas to remember”

  1. This is great news for the Beasley boys. I will pass on congrats in person the next time I see them. I just wish they’d find the time to do a segment on trapping.

    1. “You gotta fight….for your right…to parrrtttyy”…

      Opps, sorry that was the Beastie Boys not Beasley boys..hehe

      Hey Trap, if anyone could convince the Beasley’s to include a trapping segment, it would be you! Say hi to Paul for me and tell him we’re still fighting the good fight, on their behalf, up here in Ottawa!


  2. that is great news since i usually watch this show regularily on the weekends after a hunt the tree huggers can go watch their own crap on crap tv leave us hunters alone i will be doing a segment in fall 2013 on goose hunting just have to get enough goose decoys out there. boy jeff this season just flew by so fast can’t wait for next season won’t tell the wife that though she is happy it’s over and all the camo clothes and boots are finally put away once again.will let you know how the fishing is soon, pickerel and perch are bitting really well

    1. Hey Chess…welcome back! How was the States? Do any fishing/hunting but I dont really need to ask.


  3. it was good… we got blown off the lake twice. but caught our limit of stripers every day (2) no big fish … only deer hunted 3 nights as the weather was horrible at best .. seen deer every night managed only 2(daughter 1 and me one both does ) deer as they would not come close enough in the high winds, and it was to dangourse to be in a tree. best part was i finally found my gun cleaning fluid again. hunting where i was there is no such thing as a bad trip, we could have shot lots of deer, deer are like fleas down there , have some video of 10 deer walking along the lake in front of persons house, and going into a small block of woods (size of a large lot) to bed while fishing .

  4. Jeff, any fishing reports? My understanding is the Mississippi lake has lots of ice, not sure about sections of Bob’s yet but may head up this weekend. Argo seems to be gutless since I put the tracks on so doing some debugging before I take it to the lake. There will be no driving the truck in this year.

    1. Hey Johan, I’m sorry but I haven’t heard anything yet on ice conditions in our area. I can them setting up now on Ottawa River east-end around Petrie Island but only in shallow bays so far..noone out on deep water yet.

      Man, be carefull if you head on Bobs with that machine..what does it weigh anyway???


  5. Not a chance I will drive it on the lake at first ice, just to my cottage via the road. You can fish out of them like a boat and I actually have a 6hp long shaft yammy with it but I haven’t had the desire to take it into a lake.

  6. If as much interest went out to save these jobs what about our hunting areas I hear absolutely no one squawking about lost of hunting a fishing rights, when this is done we will have very little crown land left to hunt. Where is the screaming guys where is the letters to your MP or mpp on this Not one scream. Yet a few guys may loose there jobs and we cant sit on our carcass and watch them hunt on TV, who gives a rats fat A$$ , but then again if we don’t say something it might be the only way to participate in hunting in the future is to watch it on TV. Some time hunters really bother me. All of your money that we have spent on making Ontario a better place to hunt may soon be gone . I am not racist I think everyone should be treated equal whether or not we singed the constitution or not. we give millions of dollars to people and now just released they cannot trace where money has gone and the accounting firm cannot guarantee that is where it went. but yet we sit by and say yes they have been done over by our government and they need more. we live in the new world if it doesn’t smack us in the face we don’t have to worry about it. well guys the are cocking there hand back and we are going to get it right square on the jaw, but by the time we feel the pain it will be to late . I urge all people to start reading just not from one news source but from them all to get a rounded story and then step up and be heard … most of you guys know how it feels when hunting season is over… could you imagine how it would feel if it was a permeant thing in the areas you used to hunt???

  7. I agree with you cheesy.We are going to be in some serious trouble if and when we hand over large swathes of crown land to attempt to appease the natives. They can’t handle the money they are receiving now. I have no problem with the natives hunting and fishing for there own needs all year, but if that’s what they want then use the weapons that were available before the white man came. That being a bow and arrow and or spear. Not only that but use horses as transport instead of getting a new atv or skidoo or truck and leave it where it breaks down and buy another one with the money that should be going to upgrade infastructure in there communities. Neither we nor the natives can turn back the hands of time. There is huge opportunities for the natives to work in jobs that the lazy kids nowadays won’t even try and good paying jobs. The question is. Do they want it or is it easier to wine and complain and just keep milking the government for money they think they are owed like Quebec.

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