Heading off to hunt camp anyone?


The term ‘Hunt camp’ can mean different things to different people. 

One person’s hunt camp could be as basic as a  4-man tent, while for someone else it might be a summer cottage transformed into a makeshift hunt camp when autumn arrives.

Other folks might be members of a private hunt club or an organized lodge, while some might even choose to go with an outfitter, rent a chalet or a small cabin. You could convert a fishing or trapping camp into a hunt camp in the fall and you know what, it doesn’t really matter. 

Regardless of what four-walls make-up your hunt camp, tis the season to celebrate the sport we all know and love in your private little domain.  Sharing the experience with friends and hunting companions only serve to enrich the experience. 

The hunt camp experience is something only a true hunter has ever known and will ever really understand. Sorry to all animal rights people, environmentalists and other ‘non-hunters’ out there, you simply cannot relate and this post will mean absolutely nothing to you. 

My Dad was up our hunt camp this week scouting for moose, as it is the first time in his almost 70 years of hunting he’ll be pursing moose with crossbow from our deer camp.

Of course I just had to know everything about the camp while he was there.

What did it smell like inside? Any mice around? How about fresh deer tracks in the way in, were there any of those? Did the deer eat the apples I put out on Labour Day? Anyone been around? What is the firewood situation like?


Yup, it is a time of year when many other things in our busy lives will take a backseat to this special place.  We will dream about it at night and long for that glorious day when we first arrive.

After 32-years of this tradition I realize the hunt camp experience is over in the blink of an eye..so enjoy your time to the fullest and for goodness sake, let it all soak in. You just never know when it could be your last!


Ted Nugent's Pigman appearance brings mixed reviews


Anyone who caught my impromptu appearance this morning on CHEZ 106 FM’s Doc & Woody Show, knows how I feel regarding Ted Nugent’s antics on the new television show PigMan.

In his appearance on the new show, Uncle Ted is seen strapped into a helicopter; armed with an assault rifle shooting wild hogs with wild abandon…all the while being serenaded to the theme from Apocalypse Now in an episode they’re calling ‘Aporkalypse Now’.

 “I love the smell of bacon in the morning. It smells like victory…”

“Let there be pork!”

Ok, I have always been a supporter of Ted and I get that there are 2.5 million wild hogs creating havoc in the State of Texas, but picking them off with an M40 Assault rifle from a helicopter?

Mehh….that’s is a little over the top even for Ted Nugent.

Now don’t get me wrong, according to the TV show it is perfectly legal to pursue pigs this way and judging by the number of hogs they have the ground, its highly effective as well.

It is just something that I don’t personally agree with and I’ve been a hunter for over 30 years. I doubt many folks here in Canada would agree with it either, but I could wrong.

Here’s the video clip if you haven’t seen it yet:








New Game Seal causes confusion



Hunters have been left scratching their heads recently after receiving the new 2012 Deer Seals.


(Photo of replacement seal and license should you accidently void your first one)

The new format – which includes a removable plastic deer tag – may take some time(& extra $$) to get used to. Be careful not to remove it as there is a $10 fee to have it replaced.


There is also some discussion about the MNR’s new cost-savings measure of outsourcing the tag allocation to the United States.


Give us your thoughts!



The MNR have just provided me with this info. to help explain the new tag design:




Problem with bears who ya gonna call?


According to a recent media report, nuisance bear calls in the Georgian Bay area are now being fielded by the OPP. Not only that, the OPP in that region are saying the MNR no longer have any involvement.

So, does this mean the MNR is no longer dealing with nuisance bears across the rest of the province?

According to OPP Police Sargent Peter Leon his department will: “assess and deal with the situation in what is the most appropriate manner. Police will try to scare a bear away and make it afraid of people before resorting to shooting it” Leon said.

In 2010 alone, 182 bears were shot by officials province-wide and in 2011 the MNR trapped and relocated 623 bears. They also immobilized and relocated another 107 that same year.

Dealing with problem bears has become a full-time job in recent years!

Ontario’s Bear Wise public awareness program cost $33 million since its inception in 2004, and following major cuts within the MNR this spring, it is unclear how much (if any) of the program remains in effect today.

Yes, it is certainly a sad state of affairs when our province hasn’t enough money to keep tabs on its own wildlife. And you can’t really blame the MNR they work with what they have which, by all accounts, isn’t much these days.

I wonder, if the do-gooders had known 13-years ago the full effect of cancelling the spring bear hunt, would they have still done it?

Our black bear problem in Ontario has gone from the ridiculous to the sublime and I‘d like just one Animal Rights person out there to tell me the hunt cancellation was in the best interest of the animal.

Oh yeah, and ‘trying to scare a bear away so it is afraid of people’, I think even the Animal Rights people know that doesn’t work.


Ontario Antlerless Validation Tag Allocation


Further to my Outdoors Column in yesterday’s Ottawa SUN, I would like to make some important clarification to the deer seal information provided.

Thanks to some guidance from Mary Dillon – Management Biologist with the Ministry of Natural Resources in Kemptville, I realize that I may have given some erroneous advice with regards to deer tag allocation this year.

I appologize for any confusion(or exictement) this may have caused.

The table below describes the 2012 Antlerless Validation Tag allocation and the Additional Deer Seal allocation, by WMU.  There are, actually, only two WMUs (66b and 69b) in Kemptville District with Additional Deer Seals available for purchase.


2012 Antlerless Allocation *

2012 Additional Deer Seals *



2000 (1500)

0 (0)



600 (600)

0 (0)



2100 (1350)

0 (0)



215 (450)

0 (0)



2600 (2500)

0 (0)



800 (650)

0 (0)




30 (30)



700 (1000)

0 (0)



350 (300)

100 (100)


Ontario Wild Turkey season feathers or no feathers



(Jaye’s pal Richard on his first successful turkey hunt)


(Jaye with the two gobblers they took this week)


This week marks the beginning of Ontario’s 2012 Spring wild turkey season – a week that many local hunters have been waiting for with baited breath.

Sure, there might be some turkeys out there without feathers, but do you think they really care what others think of them, or their sport?

How has the gobbler season been treating you since it opened yesterday? I predict better calling weather ahead for the weekend.

Drop me a line!



Thanks to sure-shot dave for sending-in this wild turkey ‘success story’:

Turkey season opened last Wednesday. Ryan, Evan and I went out last Sunday morning to set up a ground blind and get things ready. I headed out for opening morning, it was really windy and tough calling conditions. I saw one big tom across the cornfield, but he didn’t pay any attention to my calling. He either didn’t hear me, or I suck at it in his view.

Got out Friday morning, still really windy and I was telling myself I should have just stayed in bed. Not exactly optimum hunting conditions. On my walk in I convinced myself that you can’t kill a turkey from your bed. Who knows what will happen. Set out the decoys and settled in to wait for legal light. Did some calling and didn’t hear any gobbling going on at first light. About 6, I thought I heard a gobble from the wood lot next to me. I did some excited calling, hoping that he would hear me even though he was upwind. A few minutes later I could see a turkey in the cornfield. He was about 100 yards out but slowly heading my way. I called again and he gobbled right away. For the next five minutes he half strutted his way to me. He never went into full strut, just fanned his tail a little and gobbled. He closed the gap to about 30 yards and finally spotted my decoys on the other side of the fence row. As he was making a beeline towards them I raised my gun and clicked off the safety. When he stepped out of the fence row, 1 ¾ oz of no. 6 shot met him there. He didn’t have a chance. 20lbs, 9.5” beard with 1” spurs. My best bird so far.

Saturday I took Evan and Cameron up to the camp to gather the firewood I cut over the winter. We spent a few hours doing that and watching for deer. Evan is always shooting animals when we are out there. He should fit in to the Sure Shot camp well! The winter was fairly easy for the deer, so there should be good numbers again this fall. I put the trail cameras out so soon enough we’ll know what’s out there. I did see a buck with antlers started already on my way home from work last week so I guess they’ve started growing their racks.

 Sincerely,  sureshot – dave





Ted Nugent comment creates panic and mayhem


It seems our old pal Uncle Ted is up to his old tricks again; however, this time appears to have ruffled some high-profile feathers in the oval office.

You know that when ‘The Nuge’ speaks out, it can only be about one of two things; hunting or politics, and he certainly has some strong views in both arenas.

Although I may not share all of Ted’s political views, I am still of fan of what he stands for. He is a huge ambassador for our hunting heritage and his blunt, hard-edged wildlife conservation stance makes good sense most of time.

Among the latest comments by the Motor City Madman is this gem:

“Hey, if the coyote is in your living room p*ssing on your couch it’s not the coyote’s fault, its your fault for not shooting him!”

It was his comment regarding the upcoming Presidential race; however, that really got hardliners in an uproar. At a National Rifle Association (NRA) rally Ted commented:

“I’ll tell you this right now. If Barack Obama becomes the president in November again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.”

According to the newswire, Nugent’s comment was met with some concern and the 63-year old rocker and hunting activist is now under investigation by the Secret Service.


Is it just me, or does Ted’s off-handed comment merely suggest that he would off himself if the same president is re-elected? Maybe I’m hearing it wrong.

Is a flippant statement such as this warrant being investigated by the US Secret Service?

I suppose it depends on where it comes from, or perhaps Ted’s comments are merely being picked up and used as a political weapon (pun intentional)

Ah, never a dull moment in the life of Ted Nugent or the American political situation for that matter!



Lawsuit over potential World Record Quebec moose

OK, this new story out of Quebec’s Matane region is both unbelievable and quite believable at the same time. This region of La Belle Province has always boasted some of the largest moose in Canada, apart from the Alces Alces Gigas sub-species, known as the Alaska-Yukon moose.

This article from the Globe & Mail explains how a hunter from the Laurentians shot and wounded the giant non-typical beast, but was talked out of tracking it any further by his guide, who returned later to collect the trophy himself.

It was then discovered the guide attempted to sell the one-of-a-kind antlers for the sum of $100, 000.

Now the hunter has filed a lawsuit and for good reason:


Hunter and guide lock horns over moose’s legendary antlers

Ingrid Peritz – Globe & Mail

It was a moose that had become a myth, an animal so imposing and elusive that it had turned into the Bigfoot of Quebec’s forests.

The so-called Monster of Matane – a moose with a set of antlers described as both wondrous and unique – is dead. But the battle over the beast is only beginning.

A Quebec hunter has filed a $97,000 lawsuit against his hunting guide and the province’s parks agency, claiming that the guide surreptitiously took the prized, four-legged bounty during a trip in Matane, Que.

The suit, filed in Quebec Superior Court, lifts a curtain into the high-stakes world of trophy collecting; according to estimates, the Matane moose’s antlers are so exceptional that they could fetch anywhere from $100,000 to $1-million, probably among trophy collectors in the United States.

“No one has ever seen anything like it,” says Georges Landry, a Quebec taxidermist and official measurer for the Boone and Crockett Club, a U.S.-based group founded by Theodore Roosevelt that keeps records for big game. “Getting those antlers is like winning the Stanley Cup.”

For a time, the Monster of Matane was considered more legend than real. The world got its first glimpse of the magnificent animal when amateur photographer Langis Paradis ventured into the Matane Wildlife Reserve in the Gaspé Peninsula early one morning in 2009 and couldn’t believe his eyes. The antlers on the animal before him were so expansive, Mr. Paradis thought two moose were standing one in front of the other.

A Quebec hunting magazine published Mr. Paradis’s photo and the animal’s reputation spread, along with a sense of skepticism. “For some, that moose was like a flying saucer,” Mr. Paradis said Tuesday from his home in the Gaspé. “Unless people could touch it, they didn’t think it was real.”

The skeptics were silenced after another hunter videotaped the beast during a trip to the Matane reserve a few months later, and the images were posted online. Word began to spread to hunting forums around the world.

The average adult moose has 16 to 28 points on its antlers; this one had about 60, according to those familiar with it. Any moose antler span over 50 inches is considered a good trophy; this one measured 55 inches.

In the competitive world of trophy hunting, every detail of an antler is counted and measured to within a fraction of an inch. Non-typical antlers like the ones on the Matane moose are so rare, the Boone and Crockett Club – the reference for trophy records in North America – doesn’t even keep a category for it.

“It is a very unique trophy,” Justin Spring, assistant director for big game records at the Boone and Crockett Club, said from the group’s headquarters in Missoula, Mont., after seeing a photo of the Matane moose. “I’ve never seen anything that looks like that. For a hunter, it would be the trophy of a lifetime.”

That could be what pushed Jérémy Boileau, a resident of Quebec’s Laurentians, to seek damages in court. In his statement of claim, Mr. Boileau says that he spotted and fired at the Matane moose during a hunting trip last September; the apparently wounded moose got away. His guide, Claude Lavoie, told Mr. Boileau that his shot was off, and convinced him to abandon his search, the statement says.

The lawsuit claims that Mr. Lavoie and three other parks employees then returned to retrieve the moose later that day, thus “illegally appropriating” the antlers of Mr. Boileau’s catch.

In the claim, Mr. Boileau says Quebec wildlife protection agents told him in February that they were investigating an attempted sale of a set of antlers, obtained at the date and location of Mr. Boileau’s expedition, for $100,000. The antlers were seized by agents before the sale went through; Mr. Boileau wants them for himself.

For Mr. Paradis, who first brought renown to the Matane beast, the wrangling over the bounty is bittersweet. He would have preferred to have the astonishing antlers be celebrated on the living, breathing animal. “For me he was like a king, and those antlers were his crown,” Mr. Paradis said of the moose. “It was a symbol of what makes this area so special.”



Gun Registry only needs Royal Assent


Last week, the Ottawa SUN reported on the status in the final stages of the Gun Registry with only Royal Assent left to go.

Things are looking good but keep your fingers crossed just in case!


OTTAWA – The 17-year fight to scrap the long-gun registry reached its conclusion Wednesday.

Armed with a majority, senators voted 50 to 27 to pass the law that would eradicate the registry. There were no abstentions.

It was the bill’s final trip through the halls of power on Parliament Hill before it can get royal assent — the official sanction by the governor general.

Manitoba Tory MP Candice Hoeppner – who has been leading the government’s charge to kill the registry – said Wednesday in the House of Commons, “We are all counting the hours until … law-abiding Canadians will no longer have to register their long guns.”

The registry is hated in much of rural Canada, but not everyone is cheering its end.

On Tuesday, Quebec announced it was seeking an injunction to stop the Conservative government from destroying the gun registry data. The province is planning on setting up its own version of the registry.

The Tory government promised to destroy all the data once the bill receives royal assent.

Bill C-19 passed in the House last February. Two northern Ontario NDP MPs, John Rafferty and Bruce Hyer, voted with the government.