Ontario Trapper Benefits Petition


Conservation-minded trappers of Ontario have put together a petition they plan on presenting to the Ontario Government, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, and the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. 


As most of you are aware, the Canadian Fur Industry is in great peril. It is a sector that has suffered greatly, over the years, from ignorance and public opinion. That is a crime! 


Here is your chance to stand-up and lend Ontario trapper’s a hand. If we do not put forward efforts to preserve our trapping heritage, it will be lost forever. 

Many people forget that the fur industry is what this great country of ours was founded upon. 

I plan to sign it and urge you to as well. Let us lend Ontario trapper’s a much needed hand! 


Fox versus house cat

This morning I was cleaning snow off the deer feeder when I noticed some fox tracks coming down the trail towards the house. They were partially snow covered, but you could tell it was during the night.


Old Foxy had actually walked around the perimeter of our house, following the tracks made by the neighbour’s cat from yesterday afternoon.  It even went up on our front deck to check out one of the cat’s favourite hangout spots.


Now its nothing strange to see foxes in the backfield (We call them Swiper) especially in Spring when they’re out hunting meadow voles in that classic pounce of theirs. It really neat to watch!



But this is the first time a red fox has come so close to house, and I’m wondering now if it was, in fact, hunting the neighbour’s cat?
Although much lankier, foxes generally weigh about 10-15 pounds, which is about the same size as a typical house cat, but I wonder if they would kill and eat one? Its not something I’ve ever really thought about since most foxes feed on small mammals.


I know that mink will kill and eat muskrats – which are easily the same weight – so I wonder if a fox would pursue and take down a house cat?


It would be one heck of a battle; I tell you that, but my money’s on the fox.

If anyone can shed some light on this please drop me a line.




Testing testing

With snow in the air (& the camping season just around the corner) this week’s field test of the Camptime table and cot should warm you up a little.


Well, I was doubtful at first of the unbelievable camp table that rolled up, but later found it to be the cat’s meow for camping, hunting and fishing. Besides that, it occupies a space less than 4% its set-up size. 


The Roll-A-Table is made of select grade laminated wood completely covered by a water-resistant fabric, and its space saving comes from its unique 11 segment roll-top; cut progressively larger that come together perfectly.  The table is great for playing cards, setting up a stove or lamp, or for propping-up some cold ones during a horse-shoe game.





The camp cot I tested out a few years back and continue to use today was like a breath of fresh-air compared to the spine-benders I’ve used in the past. In the time it took my vertebrae to recover, I found a company that has hit the nail on the head for comfortable tent camping. 


The Roll-A-Cot is really nothing fancy, just a solid quality cot which enables you to sleep off the cold ground, without breaking your back in the process.  It is also constructed of a special high strength marine grade aluminum alloy, with a heavy duty denier polyester mesh fabric for strength and breath ability.




For more information and less inflammation, check out: http://www.camptime.net or call Dave Cook at: (509) 928-3051


Tune in next week for another field-test…


Sportsmens Show is about the people

For most outdoor enthusiasts, the annual Ottawa Sportsmen’s Show is more about passion and love for the great outdoors, than it is the 30-foot yachts.


Each year, hoards of people tramp through Lansdowne Park to gaze at the boats, kick a few tires and occasionally ask about available financing options – And there is nothing wrong with that – But for others, the Show is more about the little things near and dear to the average sportsman’s heart – the people.




 It is about chatting with professionals like Big Jim and trying your luck at the Minto casting pond, or filing your bag with as many brochures as you can stuff-in.


It’s a chance to walk the floor; visit with old friends you may see but once a year, or perhaps exchange old hunting and fishing stories.


It is about the people and the exhibitors, you see, that make the Sportsmen’s Show a success – a diverse and dedicated bunch of outdoor aficionados.


This year some  real ‘big wigs’ like Bob Izumi and Dave Mercer will be on-hand, plus other big names like Cam Brownson of Angler and Hunter television, Lonnie King of OOD and Thomas Pigeon of the Canada in the Rough TV Show.


Also, two guys I had featured in my Outdoors Column more times than I can remember; Jamie Pistilli and Lawrence Euteneier.


Jamie is a renowned local kayak fisherman and host of the new Television series Big City Fishing. Do yourself a favour and go check him out!


Lawrence is a blind angler who has designed the world’s first fishing boat for the seeing impaired. Lawrence’s breakthrough fishing craft will be the cat’s meow for thousands of blind anglers.


It’s people like these that make the Show a worthwhile visit year after year!


The doors open at Landsdowne this Thursday at 11 AM and run till Sunday.




Great New Hunting Dog Product

For those who hunt with dogs, Dan Dufour of Valley Hunting Dog Supplies has an exciting new dog accessory for sale!



The new Field Trial Collar is intended for those who run large horse back trials in open areas.


This product was created by Dan himself in his own workshop after several prototypes.  The new Field Trial Collar features an extra large O RING away from the buckle. 


The idea of the larger size of the buckle came about because of the large horse tack snaps that field trialers use on a regular basis. 


This new collar is made with a thin poly coated webbing that is softer and stronger than leather.  It is shown here in black and is available in brown with brass hardware.


Notice the collar does not have a standard buckle; Dan instead used a Conway to allow the collars end to pass completely though to keep the O Ring far away from the Conway.



For more information on the new collar, contact Dan at:


Dan Dufour
Valley Hunting Dog Supplies
Ottawa, On


Web Site


[email protected]



(Watch for more product features and field-tests here in the coming days)

Hey bird, read the sign!!

Evidently this wayward gobbler has trouble reading, as it clearly says Deer Crossing!

Although, I have seen wild turkeys in the back fields before, I have never seen one so close to the house.


But hey, I am not complaining….



Best fishing buddies..

Everyone has their favourite hunting and fishing buddies, it just goes with the territory! These are the folks in your life with whom you share that special interest in the sport, and the first ones you think of when you accomplish something note-worthy in the Great Outdoors


Without our close hunting and fishing buddies, pursuing a passion for the sport would be rather humdrum, now wouldn’t it? And we inevitably share much more than just hunting and fishing when it comes to our buddies, don’t we? The close friends and family who participate in our favourite activities will become some of the nearest and dearest friends we’ll ever have!


For me, when it comes to fishing, my father Rathwell Morrison, my brother-in-law Steve Enright and our very close friend Bruce Rogers make up the three greatest fishing buddies anyone could ask for.


Not only have been fishing together for over 20 years (40 years for my Dad), we’ve shared millions of stories and many ups and downs along the way – a few of which are featured in my book actually.



Here’s to all the best hunting and fishing buddies out there, may there be a special place at the right hand of God for you one day..or if not there, at least somewhere that has really good fishing!



Giant Winter Walleye, are there any left?

Here is a giant walleye pulled out of the Ottawa River at Petrie Island a few years back by Mr. Bob Presland..I cant recall exactly what it weighed, but it was well over 10-pounds and I’m told just about pulled Bob’s arm off (and he was a Postie at the time)



Question is, are there any more giant winter walleye being caught in eastern ON or western QC these days?

If you know of any, please drop me a line!


Two years ago this week!

Looking back two years ago this week, it is incredible to think how much snow we really had that year!


Can you imagine any animal trudging through that much snow?


In the same spot alongside my house this year, there’s barely 10 inches of snow on the ground!


Winter trout fishing in Calabogie..

Thanks to Blog reader Paul Poisson and his pals Phil and Steve for the ice-fishing report and photos taken last week in the Calabogie-area.


The boys caught their limit on brook trout and had one heck of a good time by the sound of things..

Here is their report:

“It was cloudy in the morning, then winds picked up, sunny, around -2, the ice had about an inch or 2 of powder on it, ice was about 10 inches thick, caught the fish around noon, buddy says they usually bite around 10 to noon there. He also said it not uncommon to catch your limit plus often…I caught 2, Steve caught 5, but he lost one down the hole when he was cleaning it. We left around 5, got home around 9:15ish, a good ride on the Polaris, about a 45 minute ride each way”


Here is one of their great looking trout:



Here’s another shot of bikes on the frozen lake:

