As an outdoor writer, I am asked all the time why I do what I do?
Is it because you enjoy showing off when you catch a big fish, or shoot a big buck, they’d ask??
Well, for me, this Blog and every other article or book I’ve ever worked on, was about sharing my passion for hunting, fishing and the Great Outdoors.
And if you don’t think conservationists are passionate about hunting and fishing, just read back through some of the comments I’ve received here over the past 6 weeks!
That passion was clearly evident a few years back when my Outdoors Column was first on the chopping block. At the first sign it was up for cancellation, the hunting and fishing community had a powwow and formulated a plan. A passionate GD plan too!
Within one day, Publisher Rick Gibbons was bombarded with, I am told, over 500 letters of complaint! Now do you think that’s passion? Unfortunately SUN Media cutbacks were out of his hands.
Yup, we hunters and fishermen have been forced to fight for our heritage for centuries, and man I tell you we are damn strong fighters and our heart is always in it!
We fight fairly too, none of this childish pie in the face routine. We choose to arm ourselves with reason, common-sense and history as our ammunition..and of course, a butt load of passion!
Without it, I would not exist or feel the need to rant on such as this..but hey, passion keeps my fires burning strong and I hope it does for you as well.