Happy Valentines Day to Mrs Outdoorsguy

It is said that husbands everywhere have trouble telling their wives they love them…especially in public.


So I say here’s to breaking that stereotype – today on Valentine’s Day, and I urge all you ‘manly’ outdoorsmen to do the same!


I love you Cheryl!   Happy Valentines Day and thanks for putting up with all the hunting and fishing over the past 15-years!








Coyote attack in New Brunswick

The CBC has reported another coyote attack, this time in New Brunswick!


Another beautiful Quebec Red

Since we are on the topic, here is another beautiful Quebec Red Trout we caught last spring…this 5 pound behemoth is my buddy Bruce’s personal best and measured 21.5”

This photo appears in the 2010 Williams fishing catalogue and I can tell you (because I netted it) the girthy male took easily 10-15 minutes to land!


They are one magnificent fish indeed:



Fish ID Quiz for prizes

Ok folks, it’s time to test your fishing knowledge with a ‘Pop Quiz’ to correctly identify the fish species in the below photograph.

There are two answers I will accept, but one is more correct than the other (& will garner a larger prize package)


This question ties-in with an article feature I wrote for Outdoor Canada Magazine, to appear in their spring issue.


The first person to send me the correct identification of this fish will win a selection of fishing tackle courtesy of Brecks – makers of the famous Williams and Mooselook wobblers!


Now, I am not expecting the scientific name, but will accept it. It is the common name I am looking for, and will allow one guess per person in my comment section.



Good luck and good fishing!




Tip of the hat to hunters and non-hunters alike

I must tell you the biggest and most pleasant surprise about this Outdoors Guy Blog, thus far, has been the number of ‘non-hunters’ who’ve commented…


Although I fully expected the avid hunters and anglers to participate, I have been amazed at the varying degree of outdoor enthusiasts who’ve taken the time to write in.


We’ve heard from a wide range of conservationists, preservationists, PETA activists, DU Members, trappers, hunters, non-hunters and everything else in between.  It just goes to show how diverse our region truly is, and yet we all feel comfortable enough to share our views..


Although my Blog is meant as a forum of discussion for hunters and fishermen, I invite everyone to read and contribute.


Even though we may sometimes disagree, I thank each and every one of you for taking the time to comment.


Weather you know it or not, this is the only Media outlet in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec catering to the outdoor enthusiast, so lets keep it going strong!




Backyard deer feeding really taking off

On Saturday at 4:30 PM my backyard deer feeding program took on a life of its own.



Up until this weekend, the most deer I ever had feeding at one time was 7.  I only knew of 3 other deer that came regularly but never seemed to feed at the same time as my ‘lucky seven’.


Then this Saturday all hell broke loose when an unbelievable 14 deer showed up in my back yard at the same time, eager for food!


Sure, the two family groups totalling seven were there and Granddaddy too, plus another young buck we call Garfield and a buck known as the War Vet. 


Then a mystery buck showed up to make 11 deer, and he was followed by three more I have never in my life seen before.


I have fortunately started offering feed at several small piles, as to keep them all separated and not fighting over food.


My youngest daughter Grace has even started to keep a log of deer activity, and now documents all the animals that come and go.


It is much like an after school project for Grace, a girl who like her Dad, has a real affinity for the Great Outdoors.


And just so nobody panics, the pelletized feed I offer these deer is meant only as a supplement to their usual winter diet of browse. Since I have been providing a small amount of  feed regularly since early fall, the deer’s’ digestive systems have adapted to take full advantage of it.


Thanks to Richie’s Feed & Seed for a wonderful blend they offer, with the perfect mixture of protein and carbs for a white-tailed deer’s winter nutritional requirements.


Passion for the Great Outdoors

As an outdoor writer, I am asked all the time why I do what I do?
Is it because you enjoy showing off when you catch a big fish, or shoot a big buck, they’d ask??


Well, for me, this Blog and every other article or book I’ve ever worked on, was about sharing my passion for hunting, fishing and the Great Outdoors.


And if you don’t think conservationists are passionate about hunting and fishing, just read back through some of the comments I’ve received here over the past 6 weeks!


That passion was clearly evident a few years back when my Outdoors Column was first on the chopping block.  At the first sign it was up for cancellation, the hunting and fishing community had a powwow and formulated a plan.  A passionate GD plan too!


Within one day, Publisher Rick Gibbons was bombarded with, I am told, over 500 letters of complaint! Now do you think that’s passion? Unfortunately SUN Media cutbacks were out of his hands.


Yup, we hunters and fishermen have been forced to fight for our heritage for centuries, and man I tell you we are damn strong fighters and our heart is always in it!


We fight fairly too, none of this childish pie in the face routine. We choose to arm ourselves with reason, common-sense and history as our ammunition..and of course, a butt load of passion!


Without it, I would not exist or feel the need to rant on such as this..but hey, passion keeps my fires burning strong and I hope it does for you as well.


Deer Feeding great winter fun

Deer feeding has become my new favourite winter pastime!


Although I have much experience with big-game management and the running of a deer yard, it has been many years since I did it.


Now with 7 – 10 deer feeding regularly, I am getting to watch some great shows out my back window.


One thing I have noticed is how territorial and possessive deer can be. The females especially!


This poor family group below is only allowed to feed once another 4 member family group is done.  There is a hierarchy to it, it seems.


And if a fawn from one group feeds, or even or walks, too close to the doe from the second group, she’ll receive a sharp hoof to the head!

The funny part is, they all leave together and bed together in the same area every night…but when it comes to feeding, watch out!


Every deer has their place and you will be reminded quickly should you forget!


Ice-fishing at Winterlude

If you have never tried ice-fishing at Jacques Cartier Park for Winterlude, then you just haven’t lived. I brought Mrs Outdoorsguy and the kids the past two winters and we’ve had a great time catching trout.


The QC Ministry houses a large number of hatchery brook trout in a mesh cage; suspended in the Ottawa river. With a tent set-up over top and a bunch of ice-fishing holes, anglers can take turns trying their luck at a spunky brook trout!


Again this year, the Regional Council on the Environment and Sustainable Development of the Outaouais (CREDDO) joins the National Capital Commission and the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune (MRNF) du Québec and the Fondation de la faune du Québec, in welcoming the public to this event.


For those who register early, the MRNF is offering fishing courses for 8 to 12 year olds, who will recieve a free fishing rod and a fishing permit for Québec residents or a certificate for Ontario residents. I have my girls registered in a session this Sunday.


Please register with the CREDDO at 819-772-4925 or www.creddo.ca


Hope to see you there!

