It seems that Sea Shepherd captain and renowned anti-seal hunt activist Paul Watson has – much like the harp seal itself – bitten off more than he can chew.
In a challenge offered back in February, Paul Watson offered a $50, 000 reward to anyone who could produce video evidence showing that seals feed wastefully on cod.
Many fishermen believe that seals prefer the nutrient rich livers and belly’s of cod and often target those areas leaving the rest of the fish to waste. Watson claimed this practise was preposterous and laid down a whopping 50K reward to anyone who could prove it!
Yesterday, members of the Seals and Sealing Network (SSN) re-circulated video footage that should be worth a $50,000 reward, if activist Paul Watson is to make good on his challenge.
The video – originally produced in 1999 by Ulf Marquardt Medienproduktion – portrays harp seals herding large cod into a Newfoundland bay. A school of cod is seen swimming in shallow water, forced in shore by seals. Underwater footage reveals an ocean floor littered with discarded cod carcasses.
“More scientific work needs to be done to estimate the ecological significance of Canada’s seal populations,” said Rob Cahill, Fur Institute of Canada Executive Director. “When a seal consumes only a cod’s belly, it destroys more fish than it eats – but Canadian scientists have no clear data on how often this happens.”
The Canadian Government’s scientific literature notes reports of cod belly biting by harp seals and grey seals, but also notes that current methods for estimating seal diets cannot reliably detect the large cod that would be killed through belly biting.
Since 1999, the harp seal population in Canadian waters has increased from an estimated 5.8 to 6.9 million animals.
Paul Watson and the Sea Shepherd Organization have yet to comment. One can only assume they are either scrambling to do damage control, or heading to the bank!
The video in question may be viewed at: