Disregard previous post

Wow, that’s a first!

Although I have received lots of Spam, I have never been hacked into before..I suppose it is a clever way to market your ‘anti-hacking’ software but still none the less annoying.. Problem now is, until the web techies in Toronto have a look at it, I have no way of deleting that post..

My suggestion is to ignore the ad, as the obviously the person who hacked into the Ottawasun.com wants people to read it…I just realized the hackers attached the spam to my face on the main Blogs page..that’s cute. Try clicking just on the ” Outdoors Guy” link until this is fixed and try to avoid my face…

What is the world coming to when the ‘online terrorists’ begin targeting  hunters and fishermen!


6 Replies to “Disregard previous post”

  1. Well Chessy, it turns out the guy has a Tech Blog with Canoe.ca

    I’m still not sure where he gets off hijacking my Blog…


  2. well i dont find it amusing .. canoe should do something about this .. they are wasting my time and there is nothing more important than my time.. i come to see your blog not tech garbage unless it is gps or other hunting related items

  3. I didn’t see what it is you’re referring to but hopefully this has been reported to the police….

  4. Trapper, you can see it if you go to the main Blog page..it was on the front page
    of the SUN this afternoon when it first came up…found out, the fellow who posted it is a guy
    with a Tech Blog..no sure how he pulled that one off without logging in under my profile…



    1. Ok, Ive heard from the Blogger and it seems he has no idea how the post made it onto
      the Outdoorsguy..they’re looking into now…but possible a technical glitch at Canoe.ca caused
      the error..


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