Hunters outside City enjoy moderate success


(This 282-pound (dressed) bruiser was taken in the Kemptville-area by Paul Poisson’s hunt gang)

Although many deer hunters in eastern ON and western QC have reported poorer than average deer seasons, it does appear that areas outside the Ottawa valley are starting to rebuild.

Of the many reports I have received, it does seem evident that much of the Ottawa Valley has a way to go before the deer herd is back on track. Deer sightings, around the City, are way down, and most camps saw either low or nil harvest numbers.

Outside the valley to the North, parts of Central Ontario, western QC and a few other spotty regions did see a bit of any increase over last year’s deer numbers.

Here are some of this fall’s success stories (In Photo)


(Another shot of the giant buck taken by Paul Poisson’s gang) 

(And for those who may have noticed the tag improperly affixed, Paul assures me it was attached to the base of the main beam shortly after this photo was taken, and before the deer was taken to MNR Kemptville)


(Ian McDonald and his awesome 10-pointer)


(Ian and some of the boys)


(Another shot of Ian’s gang and the dogs)


(Paul Poisson and his great-looking 8-point..what’s that in your hand, Paul?)


(Here is a really nice 8-point taken up the valley by ‘Maple’)


(Another shot of Maple’s can see his stand in the background


(Iggy sent me this photo of a Giant Napanee-area buck…sorry, I dont know the story)


(Rick Poulin with the fine looking 7-point he took on opening morning. 7-point bucks are the nicest bucks of all..if you ask me)

Below are photos of an incredible 8-point buck taken by Allen Cullen with a crossbow. Allen calls the buck ‘Lucky’ and you can see the trailcam image of ‘Lucky’ while he was still upright.



For those of you who sent me photos I forgot to post, please remind me…and for those who have deer hunt pics from this year, free free to send them over by PM.

Here’s a phot0 of Iggy’s fisher mount, complete with ‘somewhat natural looking’ quills.Fisherquills


35 Replies to “Hunters outside City enjoy moderate success”

  1. Geez that Rick guy looks familiar

    sent you another picture today of a buck in the backyard of a co worker. That is a bruiser but it’s safe, as long as it stays where it is, you can bow hunt in the area but not on his property
    great pics guys, thanks

    looking for a grouse next weekend Rick for the other end of a driftwood piece that has a fisher on it

  2. congratulations to all the hunters that had success and good luck next year to those that did not thats why they call it hunting and not killing

    1. Thanks for the vids, Keebler, I will check them out when I have a chance..

      We may just need you to put together a ‘head cam’ field-test report for us..that sounds neat!


  3. Iggy I have a nice grouse in my freezer you can have if you need one.

    Where I deer hunted the grouse numbers seemed to be up a bit.

  4. Thanks Rick, I might take you up on that, but to be honest, I’ve always been one to want to get my own, that way I can say I got it, like the bear, deer, moose, caribou, wood duck and on and on. I have a couple OF BIRD THAT YOU AREN’T ALOWED TO SHOOT, AND OWL AND A RED TAIL HAWK, BUT THEY ARE ALL CHECKED OUT WITH THE mnr TO MAKE SURE THEY ARE LEGAL (sorry about the caps) and as you know, I have the proper paperwork

  5. Keebler,

    cool videos! but what’s that all about taking more than one shot at a deer? LOL!
    headcams are pretty cool. I also have one but it’s for scuba diving. and I’ll be using it tomorow b’cause I’ll be in Punta Cana doing some diving and relaxing after a great hunting season!

    Cool video’s …thanks for sharing!

  6. Jeff,
    I’ll send you pictures of our deer hunt when I get back from my trip.

    We harvested 4 deer for 5 hunters (3 bucks and 1 doe). One of the bucks was a very non-typical rack with the one side having two set of antlers. Really really weird looking. I have to ask the hunters from the camp if they would mind having their pictures on the web, hence the delay.

    have a great week…I’ll have my laptop with me so I’ll be checking out the blog from Punta Cana…He hehehe!

    1. Have a great trip to DR, ALain..and I will post those images when you get back no problem.

      Have a Presidente for all of us!!


  7. thanks guys.
    Chessy, it’s a Drift Innovation HD170.

    Alain, glad you liked them. I’m actually a bit miffed that I missed that first shot for the 2nd doe. I must have hit a tree or something b/c she jumped with a flag down.

    Jeff, I’ll definitely do a headcam field test. I have a few good idea to help Drift make this even better.

    The biggest issue, as you probably heard, was a lack of sound. The mic is covered in rubber for the weatherproofing, but they are releasing an external mic with a cover (the back has to be open for the mic to connect). That should make for much better sound.

    Alain, have fun in DR! I’m headed to Jamaica in a few weeks and I might bring my headcam too in case I do anything parachute surfing or something.

    I just wore it for a game of touch football…it’s fun to play with.


  8. son and I did some scouting saturday morning for bow hunting and found a spot were i put a blind on a rock pile a couple years back. well in a approx. 40 foot by 40 foot area we found 9 tree rubs all directly in front of this blind. we found 14 rubs in all in this small patch. never have i seen so many rubs in one area like that. unfortunatly blind is not good and not in good position due to wind direction. Did afternoon watch saturday with no luck hopefuly get back again next weekend. hope to see a nice one like in these pic’s very nice bucks guys.

    1. mcdan, it sounds like you’ve got a real active buck in that area..hope he shows up when you’re there!


  9. Congrats to all the successful hunters out there and to everyone else, still lots of time for the bows. Alain, enjoy PC, I am heading to Roatan in Feb to dive for a week. I do lots of diving in Brockville in the Summers and charters through Divers Wearhouse (I met a hunter on one of the charters this summer but we didn’t connect after the charter to get each others info for birds this fall like we planned). Let me know if you need a buddy some time though.

    1. To the person who sent me as HUGE file by email the other day, I apologize as it was too large and got caught in my spam folder..

      It looked like hunting pics, so please resend but only 1 image at a time..



  10. I forgot to mention I almost filled my tag last night with my truck between Blackburn and Orleans on Innis, Was a nice 8 maybe 10 pointer

    1. Whoahh Mark….I guess he was crossing one of those fields along that stretch…lucky you missed him!


    1. Iggy, tks for the buck big images, I will try to post those tomorrow…besides that, I see a photo of a fisher with porcupine quills in its mouth..Ive seen that many time before….great looking mount btw!


  11. Hello from the DR.

    life is good …went out for a couple of scuba dive today…weather is great


    1. Hey Alain..good to hear from you..but you better come home right away, there’s a giant buck in Nepean we need you to photograph…and besides that, Chessy told us Wikileaks is apparently investigating all of our hunt camps…thank Godness the founder is under arrest…oh yeah, and the army might invade the woods near Cedarview..and McDan has a big buck cornered somewhere…Rick helped someone load a deer onto a truck during a nuisance hunt…Iggys suspects a gov’t conspiracy…my butcher found a broadhead lodged in upper neck of the buck I shot in Montebello..Keebler went to the Sail Sale….Savage Joe goes to bed at 9 PM at deer camp(or so he says)..Jay told us about Dream Buck’s rival 10-point….Keith apparently saw the two bucks fighting…Paul is concerned the Nepean bucks are now in jeapardy since we talked about them…Paul Poisson’s buddy finally got his deer tag attached properly….StevieB opened the lid on a secret controlled hunt…phew, man you missed a lot in the last couple of days!

      Besides all that, we’re doing just fine…lol

      Good to hear from you…bragger


  12. those aren’t porky quills LOL
    it’s what taxidermists use to sculpt??? a mount, they are not for publication, I’ll sent you a picture of the full mount when I get my grouse this weekend and get it mounted on the other side of the gnarly piece of wood. Nice piece of wood though eh, found it in Algonquin after a years search

    1. I dunno Iggy, they look like metal quills to me…hehe.

      I posted the picture above..and Yes, that’s an awesome peice of driftwood…you’d pay about $100 for that in the Market!


  13. I don’t see the picture, but it doesn’t matter, I was going to send you a good one when it was all done with the bird

    1. Iggy, the second pic shows the quills better?

      Damn, I deleted the second one…can you resend it.


  14. very nice Iggy. gotta question for you. i’ve never done any taxidermi before but i did a skull mount on my 9 pointer couple of years ago with fur on and decided to keep ears with it. I put cardboard in ears but they still curled some. what could i do different next time?

  15. McDan, sorry to cut in…but Rick P is the guy for that question…he has done some work for Iggy before..and may have even mounted that fisher too..Im not sure.

    He’d be the guy to help you out.


  16. ya I’m not the artist, Rick is, he’s not doing the fisher for me, another friend is, he could have but I’d already taken some work to this other guy. Rick has done a few birds for me and they are top notch. I’ve also seen a lot of his other work like bears, deer and weird stuff like skunks LOL
    and he is excellent. Taxidermy is art, anyone can draw, but only a few are artists, and Rick is an artist

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