Ice-fishing at Winterlude

If you have never tried ice-fishing at Jacques Cartier Park for Winterlude, then you just haven’t lived. I brought Mrs Outdoorsguy and the kids the past two winters and we’ve had a great time catching trout.


The QC Ministry houses a large number of hatchery brook trout in a mesh cage; suspended in the Ottawa river. With a tent set-up over top and a bunch of ice-fishing holes, anglers can take turns trying their luck at a spunky brook trout!


Again this year, the Regional Council on the Environment and Sustainable Development of the Outaouais (CREDDO) joins the National Capital Commission and the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune (MRNF) du Québec and the Fondation de la faune du Québec, in welcoming the public to this event.


For those who register early, the MRNF is offering fishing courses for 8 to 12 year olds, who will recieve a free fishing rod and a fishing permit for Québec residents or a certificate for Ontario residents. I have my girls registered in a session this Sunday.


Please register with the CREDDO at 819-772-4925 or


Hope to see you there!



3 Replies to “Ice-fishing at Winterlude”

  1. Jeff, I’ve been looking for your column for months! I always enjoyed you outdoor column with info from the region. I thought you had moved on from the Sun – until I heard you on the radio this morning. Glad to have found your blog!

  2. GPG:

    Glad you’ve found me! If you scroll back thru the earlier Blogs, you’ll see that the Outdoors Guy was launched at
    the end of December..and we’ve been going strong ever since. I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for the comment!

    Obviously you are a Doc & Woody listener, Im glad to hear that as CHEZ 106 FM is the ONLY radio station in the city to openly promote hunting and fishing!! You know, I have been featured on their show since my very first Ottawa SUN outdoors column over 8 years ago, and they have support me(& us) ever since!

    Besides that, they’re just super great guys!

    Yours in the outdoors,


  3. Well, I brought my daughters to Winterlude yesterday for the ice fishing seminar at Jacques Cartier Park.

    Though they did have a great time, the fact the seminar was 99% French without any English translation, did irk me a tad. My girls take French Immersion in school too, so they do understand the language but with all the technical and biological terms used, much of the presentation went over their heads. The English kids with no French background or education would have been completely lost!

    It is too bad because the program is very well organized apart from that, and everyone else we dealt with was completely bilingual, it was just the QC Conservation Officers who gave the training that didn’t offer translation, and it was one full hour long!

    Since the program is sponsored by the National Capital Commission, I would think that both languages should be represented. Not to take anything away from the Peche en Herbe program, but this language blunder is a major oversight on their part for an event catering to both the National Capital Region and the Outaouais. I know other parents were indeed upset about it.

    On the plus-side, my girls did catch 4 nice brook trout and went home with brand new fishing outfits and a program completion card…too bad they hadn’t understood much of what was said during the presentation.


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