Ladies and gentlemen start your gobbling!


This Thursday marks the beginning of Ontario’s 2013 Spring wild turkey season – a week that many hunters have been waiting for with baited breath.

I predict some good calling weather ahead for the weekend.

What are your plans and where are you headed?

Drop me a line, and be sure to check-out this Thursday’s Ottawa SUN and Pembroke Daily Observer(now online) Outdoors Columns dedicated to the pursuit of this province’s favourite fowl!



12 Replies to “Ladies and gentlemen start your gobbling!”

  1. nice day for the opener, sunny and no bugs yet. Didn’t’ hear any shots on my walk this morning, come to think of it nor did I hear any gobblers.

    1. yes, I would imagine things in the woods are nicer than things in the office.



  2. woke up this am.. ice on the puddles in the drive way.. back to bed .. my back cant take the cold weather and sitting to long.. report is birds hened up bad

    1. Chess, it doesn’t seem like the system has updated yet…should be coming soon.

      Btw, Keebler has a nice goobler story coming soon btw!


  3. same with me, Jeff, get your propeller heads under control

    Was out yesterdat at 5AM, cold, very cold and a cold wind to boot, tried one spot for two hours, nothing, moved to another spot after going for a walk and doing some calling, nothing, went to a thirsd spot and just before I was ready to give up I hear, cluck…………….cluck cluck, wow three jakes come out from behind me, move to my decoy at 15 yeards, cluck around it then wonder off. Beards were only an inch or two on all three and it’s early so I let them go.
    I may live to regret that though. Apparently jake meat is just at tasty as tom meat

  4. hope you got my pics i sent you on our latest outing. My daughter took a nice tom(her first on her first time out).
    also, took an older gentlemen out with us and scored a really nice jake. i happened to get the other jake that was tagging along. it was a great opening day!! all wrapped up by 7:45 in the morning.

    1. Yes jaye, it did get them…thank you! And please pass along my congratulations to your daughter.

      If you wouldn’t mind, I will post the images?


  5. yeah, no problem. like to hear any stories from other’s as well. in our area we only saw jakes and tom’s, no hens. i think it is still early in the season and they haven’t started to mingle with the hens yet. i also got a small tom on friday, so i am tagged out for the year. i guess i am in guiding mode for the rest of my family.

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