Ontario Trapper Benefits Petition


Conservation-minded trappers of Ontario have put together a petition they plan on presenting to the Ontario Government, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, and the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. 


As most of you are aware, the Canadian Fur Industry is in great peril. It is a sector that has suffered greatly, over the years, from ignorance and public opinion. That is a crime! 


Here is your chance to stand-up and lend Ontario trapper’s a hand. If we do not put forward efforts to preserve our trapping heritage, it will be lost forever. 

Many people forget that the fur industry is what this great country of ours was founded upon. 

I plan to sign it and urge you to as well. Let us lend Ontario trapper’s a much needed hand! 


12 Replies to “Ontario Trapper Benefits Petition”

  1. My pleaure, I only hope it has some effect.

    Andrew, the Petition just went up today and hopefully it takes off soon.


  2. Thanks for Buddy. This petition has nothing to do with the right to use OFSC trails. We as trappers are well aware of that exemption. I could only wish that the trail wardens were also aware of it. Thanks for the reference though. You can rest assured it’ll be in my licence kit.

  3. I spoke to soon. Your link only takes me to the Ontario E-laws web page. Do you have a direct link to the OFSC exemption ?

  4. Yes I’m going to get my trappers licence in the near future
    It’s part of my plan for suplement income for my retirement.
    My great grandfather was a trapper, fisherman, logger & farmer
    I come from good stock…& it’s my family way of life and tradition
    It’s not for sport it’s to put food on the table & to provide income.

    I will survive …
    Susan Tremble

  5. I hope the fur trade, trappers and the whole industry sinks into oblivion. Think of the suffering of these beautiful animals we need to start developing greater awareness of the long enduring suffering these species endure at the hands of greedy trappers and fur farmers.

    The day will come when the shame will be so great it will be comparable to the human slave trade.

    Liberation of animals of animals through the power of love

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