Ottawa SUN and John's Marina BIG fish contest


This is no April Fools joke!!

Thanks to John’s Marina and Ottawa SUN staffer (and avid sportsman) Mark Williamson, the Ottawa SUN and John’s Marina Braggin Board Contest enters its third year.

Send in a picture of your Braggin’ Board Fish and the story of how you got it in (keep it short) and you could win a boat and trailer package courtesy of John’s Marina, Princecraft Boats and the Ottawa Sun.

To enter, email your entry to [email protected] with the subject of “Braggin’ Board” and remember to include your contact information.

Good luck..and may the best BIG fish story win!!


2 Replies to “Ottawa SUN and John's Marina BIG fish contest”

  1. Hey JEFF I think i’ll send the picture of my muskie in and try i could use a new boat .

  2. Paul, I remember that story..make sure you include all the exciting details as well as the photo!

    Good luck!!


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