Spring a time of rebirth in the Great Outdoors

I thought I would soften things up a tad by sharing some beautiful images I took last spring behind my house.

Everyone knows that spring is a time of rebirth and rejuvenation, and nowhere is this more evident than in nature.

Last spring I was fortunate enough to capture some images of a newborn fawn and his mother. My daughter Grace and I had actually discovered the birthing site a few days earlier, so I know this little guy is only a few days old.


His wobbly legs sort of give it away!

I do consider myself lucky to have witnessed something that most people will never see. You see, does are very shy and secretive the weeks following birth, and most folks rarely get to see them out in the open.

Now, who ever said hunters didn’t have a soft side??



2 Replies to “Spring a time of rebirth in the Great Outdoors”

  1. nice pic.. and yes some hunters have a soft side some softer than others. just poke me in the belly and i will show you a soft side lol

  2. Yes jeff, most hunters i think, appreciate nature and the new life that comes with spring.I to was lucky enough to watch a wobbly fawn walk down the road in front of my truck while mom snorted and squeaked for the little one to take cover.Of course as usual i had my camera in the glove box but was to fasinated to even think about getting a pic.On a bear hunt i was on i had a mom and cub come in around April 30 one year.The mom scenting something was wrong made a sound and up the tree not 4-5ft away came the cub.For a good 5-10min i was eye to eye with a 10-15pd cub looking at each other while mom walked around popping her teeth below.After she felt it was a false alarm she made another sound and down went the cub who kept an eye on me the whole way down.That little guy had big brown eyes and i thought how could he know how to climb like he did when he was no more that 3months old and out of that 2months in the den.Mother nature and natures mothers are incredible to witness and it’s a shame more people don’t share this time of year.

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