A man in Belarus is dead following an attack by a beaver
That’s right, I said beaver!!
The man was on his way to a lake with some friends when, he spotted one of the flat-tailed critters on the side of a road and tried to take a photo.
Apparently this fur-bearer was not impressed with being the center of attention, and it attacked the man with the fury of 1000 beavers… (I couldn’t even type that with a straight face but this way no joke)
The fisherman was bitten several times in the upper thigh which severed a major artery. First aid was administered and an ambulance operator said the man died from blood loss.
Spring is an especially difficult time for beavers around the world. The young adults are pushed from the lodge to fend for themselves. Oftentimes you will see beavers (in this region) dead along the side of the road which are, no doubt, these young adults seeking out new territory.
Evidently these animals can get rather testy at this time of year as well..