Merry Christmas to all Hunters and Fishermen


I would like to wish all the avid sportsmen and women out there a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Thanks to everyone who made the Outdoors Guy a fun place to visit and share your thoughts on hunting, fishing, conservation and whole load of other topics we’ve beaten into submission with a large stick over the past 12 month.(Over 35, 000 comments in the past year)

Without all you readers and contributors out there, this Blog’s first year would not be nearly the success it has been.

From what I have seen (& heard) the Ottawa SUN Outdoors Guy is one of the most popular Blogs in the entire region. (Well, when there’s no hockey on)

Hey, who says hunters and fishermen aren’t being heard?! Sure, we may ruffle a few feathers along the way and some folks may not agree with everything said, but you certainly can’t say it’s been dull.

For the greatest site I know to kill(sorry, I mean harvest) time during the day – chatting about the Great Outdoors – I would like to thank the Ottawa SUN for making it all possible.

I know this Blog would never have been a reality anywhere but here at the SUN..and hey, have you seen the front page of the paper recently? Readership is up considerably, and I would like to think we all played a role in that!

Merry Christmas one and all, and if you have not stopped by for a visit, we look forward to seeing you in 2011 for outdoor news, information, rumours, opinions and a whole lot more covering the greatest recreational activities known to man.

All the best to each and every one of your families in health and happiness..(Note to self: next year got photo of myself wearing a fur coat)

Yours in the Outdoors,

Jeff Morrison – The Outdoors Guy