Bass season is upon us!

Avid bass angler Randy Rosenthal poses with his personal best largemouth caught on opening weekend at an ‘undisclosed’ lake. The fish weighed just over 6 pounds and was live released.


Bass enthusiasts of FMZ 18 were, no doubt, out in hordes this past weekend for the coveted bass opener.

And if you don’t think there’s anything special about Micropterus – be they salmoides or dolomieu – just ask one of the local bass fishing organizations. 

Ottawa is slowly becoming a largemouth & smallmouth fishing Mecca, thanks to groups like Renegade Bass, Bass Anglers of Ottawa and Petawawa Bassmasters. 

And, of course, we cannot forget the coveted Ottawa Valley – otherwise known as FMZ 15 or Pembroke District – which is where I do the bulk of my bass fishing each summer, at our trailer in Cobden. Bass opens in that District this weekend (Note: See this Thurs Pembroke Daily Observer – Outdoors Column – for more bass info.)

Speaking of bass fishing, where is your favourite bass lake or river? Without giving away all your tricks, I invite all the bass nuts out there to tell us where you like to catch old bucket mouth!

As a converted bass guy myself  I am slowly being ‘lured’ away from trout, pike and muskie, and towards the elusive bass.

Drop me a line with your bass plans or send me a tip I’m not fussy.

