The mysterious man seen last week dressed in a goat suit among a herd of wild goats in the mountains of Utah, has been identified as a hunter in a goat costume.
Those crazy hunters!!
When a passerby observed a strange-looking goat back on July 15 in the mountains 40 miles north of Salt Lake City, officials said they wanted to speak with the ‘person’ to explain the dangers of such a stunt with hunting season approaching.
The Utah authorities starting getting anonymous phone calls to ‘leave the goat-man alone’ and things got even stranger.
But alas, the mystery has been solved as it turned out to be a California man preparing himself for the Canadian mountain goat season.
Should we even let this nut bar into the country?? I think that’s a baaaadddd idea!
The 57-year-old hunter from Southern California explained to authorities that he was merely trying-out a goat suit in preparation for a hunt he has planned in Canada next year.
Ok, so Goat-Man has been solved, but are we any the wiser?
A goat costume to hunt mountain goats during the mountain goat season??
Ok, now I’ve heard everything!!