Attack victim wants Spring bear hunt back

Gerald Marois, the man mauled by a black bear in the Orillia area recently, recounts the details of his horrific attack.

“His head was huge, his eyes were really far apart from each other and he had tiny, tiny ears, which is the sign of a huge boar — probably 600 pounds.” said Marois

“I was hitting him on the nose and on the head, trying to hurt him, and every time I hit him he was scraping me and just pulling on my boots.”

“I was kicking him with the other boot and he grabbed that boot and he ripped it right off.”

“Then he dragged me almost to the ground.”

The bear then tried to rip off Marois’s chest waders.

“That was messing him up, because they were coming back like an elastic, eh? And it was hard for him to rip them off.”

But the bear eventually got them.

“Then he started eating my flesh.”

Marois said he watched as the bear started eating into his right calf.

“He was eating my meat and he was licking the blood and licking himself and just enjoying every bite of it.”

Mr Marois is one fortunate individual. He is alive because he fought back and because he is just plain lucky, and his final statement regarding the spring bear hunt speaks for itself:

“I want (Premier Dalton McGuinty) to reconsider the spring bear hunt, so this doesn’t happen no more.”
