Animals Rights Group coughs up a Fur Ball


Well folks, it finally happened! 

The Animal Rights Groups now appear to battling amongst themselves!

I suppose it was really only a matter of time.

According to SUN Media, the same group who forced ‘Foie Gras’ to be removed from an NCC dinner at Winterlude – the Ottawa Animal Rights Defence League – now has their sights set on the Ottawa Humane Society’s fundraising dinner known as the Fur Ball. 


(John Baird at a previous Fur Ball)

The Ottawa Animal Rights Defence League appears to have a beef (pun intentional) over what’s being served at the Ottawa Humane Society Dinner in March, and they are doing their utmost to have it removed! 

Animal Defence League spokesperson Sue Lawrence said she was extremely sad that such a fundraiser dinner, being held at the National Gallery, would consist of meat. Lawrence says they should be serving a strictly vegan diet. 

But alas, the Ottawa Humane Society is not caving in and plans to stick with the original menu which includes meat. 

The Society has even spoken out to clarify that they are considered an ‘animal welfare’ organization and not an animal rights group, and do not have a position against raising animals for food. 

The Ottawa Humane Society has even offered a vegan option at previous dinners, but says that fewer than 5% of guests have opted for it.

Well I say, KUDOS to the Ottawa Humane Society for sticking to their guns, and I take back what I said earlier. 

There seems to be only one Animal Rights Group in this story, and they certainly appear to have lost this round. 

Now, let’s get some Foie Gras back on the Winterlude menu!!
