Testing testing

With snow in the air (& the camping season just around the corner) this week’s field test of the Camptime table and cot should warm you up a little.


Well, I was doubtful at first of the unbelievable camp table that rolled up, but later found it to be the cat’s meow for camping, hunting and fishing. Besides that, it occupies a space less than 4% its set-up size. 


The Roll-A-Table is made of select grade laminated wood completely covered by a water-resistant fabric, and its space saving comes from its unique 11 segment roll-top; cut progressively larger that come together perfectly.  The table is great for playing cards, setting up a stove or lamp, or for propping-up some cold ones during a horse-shoe game.





The camp cot I tested out a few years back and continue to use today was like a breath of fresh-air compared to the spine-benders I’ve used in the past. In the time it took my vertebrae to recover, I found a company that has hit the nail on the head for comfortable tent camping. 


The Roll-A-Cot is really nothing fancy, just a solid quality cot which enables you to sleep off the cold ground, without breaking your back in the process.  It is also constructed of a special high strength marine grade aluminum alloy, with a heavy duty denier polyester mesh fabric for strength and breath ability.




For more information and less inflammation, check out: http://www.camptime.net or call Dave Cook at: (509) 928-3051


Tune in next week for another field-test…


6 Replies to “Testing testing”

  1. Don’t know but looking at the Roll-a-cot picture, I beleive half of me would be rolling on the ground. Doesn’t look very long. Is that the kids size?

  2. LeGrand, at 6′ 2″ in length, these cots are more than long enough in my opinion.(same length as a double bed) I’m 6′ 2″ and I’ve never had an issue, and my brother-in-law’s are taller than me and they find the roll-a-cot to be quite roomy.

    They also come in two difference widths. One is 28″ wide while the other one is 32″ wide. I own both models but because of a space issue in our tent, I mostly use the 28″ one and it provides more than ample room.

    Plus that, with 15” clearance off the ground, you stay much warmer at night!!


  3. 6′ 4″ here, so something would be dangling with that extra 2″, unless I rest my bottom legs on the floor while sleeping.

    Picture doesn’t do it justice, that’s for sure. But love the concept of it being able to be rolled for storage and/or transport.

    1. Oh Legrand, and you’ll also be happy to know there’s another new model for ‘freaks of nature’ like yourself.

      It’s 7 feet long and nearly 3 feet wide!


  4. LeGrand, both my brother-in-law’s are 6′ 3″ and have never complained about the cot..see, if you think about it, you never really sleep straight out like a coffin anyway, especially during cooler weather when you need to curl up.

    The reason I tried Camptime in the first place was one time Mountain Equipment Co-op loaned me a cot to test out during our May fishing trip up north. The big joke was they had described the cot as being ‘luxurious’. It was one of those inflatable things and during the night all the air leaked out, and by morning I was sleeping on the cold damp ground. My back was never so sore!!

    It was actually my father who convinced me to try Camptime, as he had been using them for several years!


  5. Well, I just heard from Mr. Camptime himself, David Cooke, and he informs me they now have a new website called Campspecialties with all the products available.


    And you’ll be happy to know LeGrand, Dave is developing a new smaller line of camp furniture called ‘PACK’ tables, stools and cots. Apparently in one suitcase you can carry an entire Pack-CampSite” including: Two pack cots, 2 pack stools, 1 pack table, one 3-person tent, 2 sleeping bags and two pads.


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