Tip of the hat to hunters and non-hunters alike

I must tell you the biggest and most pleasant surprise about this Outdoors Guy Blog, thus far, has been the number of ‘non-hunters’ who’ve commented…


Although I fully expected the avid hunters and anglers to participate, I have been amazed at the varying degree of outdoor enthusiasts who’ve taken the time to write in.


We’ve heard from a wide range of conservationists, preservationists, PETA activists, DU Members, trappers, hunters, non-hunters and everything else in between.  It just goes to show how diverse our region truly is, and yet we all feel comfortable enough to share our views..


Although my Blog is meant as a forum of discussion for hunters and fishermen, I invite everyone to read and contribute.


Even though we may sometimes disagree, I thank each and every one of you for taking the time to comment.


Weather you know it or not, this is the only Media outlet in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec catering to the outdoor enthusiast, so lets keep it going strong!




9 Replies to “Tip of the hat to hunters and non-hunters alike”

  1. Jeff this is great I take my hat off to you for being brave and trying to bridge the gap between all types of “outdoor” people together in one media forum to discuss all aspect of the outdoor from hunting to feeding from birdwatching to duck hunting
    thank you
    jason whyte

  2. Hey Jason..coming from a guy who I know is a die-hard hunter and conservationist, that is a real compliment.

    Thank you!


  3. Thanks for sharing the gospel Jeff. Speaking of sharing why is it that SUSAN SHERRING’s blog gets a double banner and yours is sometimes burried….it’s just not right.

    1. Trapper, those blog photos lower down on the front page appear there when a
      new post is put-up by the Blogger..the more entries you have, the more times your photo
      will appear on the front page..

      It is suggested that Bloggers use shorter posts in order to keep things fresh and onto a new topic,
      but I never totally agreed with that..


  4. if they would not change your url so that people have to keep looking for your blog you may get more feed back set them straight jeff

  5. but what if i am protesting the ottawa sun for letting you go…. they force me to see there page… and i am after all going to school and you know how most students feel today towards any loyalties to anything….. lol

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