Winter trout fishing in Calabogie..

Thanks to Blog reader Paul Poisson and his pals Phil and Steve for the ice-fishing report and photos taken last week in the Calabogie-area.


The boys caught their limit on brook trout and had one heck of a good time by the sound of things..

Here is their report:

“It was cloudy in the morning, then winds picked up, sunny, around -2, the ice had about an inch or 2 of powder on it, ice was about 10 inches thick, caught the fish around noon, buddy says they usually bite around 10 to noon there. He also said it not uncommon to catch your limit plus often…I caught 2, Steve caught 5, but he lost one down the hole when he was cleaning it. We left around 5, got home around 9:15ish, a good ride on the Polaris, about a 45 minute ride each way”


Here is one of their great looking trout:



Here’s another shot of bikes on the frozen lake:



21 Replies to “Winter trout fishing in Calabogie..”

  1. Boy how times have changed. Once upon a time if you found a honey hole you’d keep it to yourself or suffer the effects of everyone and their brother getting in on the action and the place getting too much pressure. Now we post it on the net for the world to see.

    Looks like a beautiful day on the ice. The fish pic doesn’t seem to appear though.

  2. I know what your saying Trapper..but Calabogie is a big region and apparently the lake(Which will remain nameless) is nearly impossible to find..


  3. Simple, just ask Paul Poisson and his pals Phil and Steve, to meet you at:

    45° 24′ 01.82″ N
    75° 42′ 32.58″ W

    Big water hole.

  4. Ahhh, good one LG!

    Those coordinates are for the Little Italy part of Ottawa – just off Preston Street…I’m not sure; it might even be the Prescott tavern…I agree, Ive seen a few trout there before.

    Nice try!


  5. LOL
    well that’s a watering hole, but not one to find fish in.
    That lake actually looks like a lake I know of between Griffith and Dacre

  6. well IGGY close but keep fishhing them there little lakes and you could come upon it . there all good up there if you don’t mind the walking around to try and find them ,it only took us about 15 years . you can always try lone wolf lake it’s easy to get to thats where started off at .

  7. Oh buy the way IGGY if you go up there in the spring don’t forget the bears up up and hungry, bring a buddy with you and you will be safe as long as your faster at running then your buddy is ha ha or get him to hang on to the fish .

  8. Hay paul why is it me all the time showing the rest of the boys how to catch the brookies……steve bent hooks

  9. prez says: Attention BH’s, when i get back from hunting white tail in Jamaica, we will be hitting **** lake hard right up till ice out.

    Get ready.

    1. Ok guys, you need to fill us all in here!

      What exactly is Bent Hooks (BH)? Are you guys some sort of exclusive club where only the top
      anglers are permitted to join?

      Give us the poop, will ya?!


  10. going to meet Northerner for lunch at the Prescott today, I’ll run a line, do I really need to bring the auger 😉

  11. Ahh favourite hangout spot..what are going for? Meatball sammy, square pizza? I like the wings
    a lot too..and of course the old fashioned quarts, but Im sure you’ll have non of those.

    I’d leave the auger at home


  12. had some salad and snuck in a smoked meat sandwich, no beer I had to go back to work and that’s a no no around there, but Northerner on the other hand…………
    Oh I should have brought the auger, I was just down the road from Dow’s Lake and I hear it’s a hot spot for Muskie

  13. HEY jEFF ME ! PREZ. it’s the older guy l.o.l. I’m the mechanic and engineer and good buddies like you put it in your other comments..the culb at one time was very stong and it’s a very selected few but if we ever get an opening i’ll let you know Jeff . Ah ! thats right the prez. is going for white tail in Jamaica and when he comes back right Steve we will hit **** lake for some brookies . Hey Steve guess i’ll have to take out the secret weapon that i got from shimano when we go up . and no i’m not diving for them this time . OH by the way Jeff i’ll send you a scan of our crest and you can deside if you want to show it .

  14. HEY Steve the other guy are talking about haveing beverages at the prescott , whats better then that is putting a line in the water , deer steak on the bbq ,and a beverage , ha ! and were on the ice !!!!!

  15. This article and other people posting spots all over the Internet is what kills these spots!!! I have met several people out in these fishing spots that I have been visiting and taking care of for the last 16 years and many of them tell me they found it online. Now everyone has the right to fish these spots but people are over catching, destroying these spots with vandalism and worst of all endangering other people who visit these places. Broken glass all over, people chopping down trees for no reason and unspent shotgun shells I found in a fire pit that people tried to hide by stacking wood in the fire pit so people think nothing of it and light a camp fire. Jeff if you were a true outdoorsman you would of never wrote this article!

    1. Ok Jc, a couple of things…

      First off, no lakes were even mentioned in this article..(which is more than 5 years old btw) so how does featuring a ‘general’ article of some winter trout enthusiasts in the ‘Calabogie-area’ lead people to your specific lake? This Region of ON is immense and there are dozens of lakes in the area. Nowhere did I divulge the location or name of the lake in question..or any lake for that the request of the anglers themselves.

      So, to hold ME responsible for people finding your secret trout lake is unfounded. These pictures could have been taken anywhere – northern ON, NE Quebec, see what I’m saying?

      Pigs and slobs in the outdoors can be found everywhere..I have seen evidence of this lot on my travels over the years…it is disrespect and lack of consideration, plain and simple!

      If you have read any of my other material, over the years, you would realize that I am HUGE proponent of conservation, respect for nature and our renewable natural resources.

      I do not know what ‘online resource’ these pigs at your lake used to find it, but it wasn’t one of my articles.


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